Lost And Forgotten Coconut Lemon Cake Recipe

Baking By CassidysCakesAn Updated 16 Mar 2023 , 6:11pm by ReginaCoeliB

CassidysCakesAn Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
CassidysCakesAn Posted 16 Mar 2023 , 5:56pm
post #1 of 2

Hello All!  I had a lemon cake that I got out of a baking cookbook years ago.  I know this is a long shot as I can't remember the name of the book or who wrote it (I was just borrowing it), but I know it was a well regarded female baker that wrote the book.  The cake had lemon and coconut in it, but I omitted the coconut.  If anyone has any leads at all I would be forever grateful!!    

1 reply
ReginaCoeliB Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
ReginaCoeliB Posted 16 Mar 2023 , 6:11pm
post #2 of 2

This is going to be tough! There is a long way between Martha Stewart, Rose Levy and Paula Deen ... Julia Child? Was it a pound cake style cake or a layered cake? Or maybe one of those where you make a lemon syrup and pour at the end?

Try to retrace yourself...From whom did you get the book?... a friend?... give her a call...A library? check for your records...

Are you willing to try any of the other versions out there? Maybe you will get a better one!

Well, with so many options and so little clues... seriously, is going to be tough!

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