Hey Sandra I just got a call to action today! Actually got it a couple days ago but since it was in a town 50 miles away & sent out to several different people I didn’t respond. This evening I got another email asking me again. So I’m going to do it & the family is going to pick it up instead of me delivering.
I’d like to bounce an idea off you. Maybe give me your email or something so I can share the ideas I have. I’m a bit concerned about sending a tiered cake with people who have never transported one before. Any way let me know how we can talk please
Hi Lynne! I am sending you my email address on messenger. Not that I mind any of you ladies having it, but remember all the hateful spammers!
Unfortunately Sandra that will not work. I forgot to mention I cannot use messegener...........so here is mine s1 sa1 mon 37 yah oo
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