Butter Cream Roses

Decorating By ladyboutwell Updated 1 Jan 2020 , 2:14am by Unlimited

ladyboutwell Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
ladyboutwell Posted 29 Dec 2019 , 2:57pm
post #1 of 5

can some explain what it means by the 4:30 position when making buttercream roses thanks

4 replies
AAtKT Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
AAtKT Posted 29 Dec 2019 , 3:24pm
post #2 of 5

You look at the flower spot you are putting the rose on... pretend there is a clock there... the 430 position would be about halfway between where the four and five would be on the clock...

kakeladi Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
kakeladi Posted 29 Dec 2019 , 3:55pm
post #3 of 5

Roses can be difficult when there is no one to show you what you are doing wrong   I don’t know how many times I tried to make them & failed until I took a Wilton class   Do you have any pictures?   Let’s see how you’re doing 

kakeladi Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
kakeladi Posted 30 Dec 2019 , 3:00pm
post #4 of 5


Unlimited Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
Unlimited Posted 1 Jan 2020 , 2:14am
post #5 of 5

I made a video...


I don't use scissors to take the roses off the stick. It's not the most productive way if you have to put your bag down to grab another tool (the scissors) to run up the nail/stick and then use another step to wipe it off the scissors.

With this setup, you can easily make 600 roses per hour. I'll explain... You'll need:

1=Full size BUN sheet cake pan (approx. 18" x 24"),

?=Bakery pan liners (parchment-type paper),

1=Optional 20" custom-fabricated metal rod with three 1" spikes or Optional 20" custom-fabricated wooden rod with three 1" hardware nails.

First of all, you need to modify one of your full size BUN pans by:

1.) cutting off two corners,

2.) folding down the entire edge of that end of the pan, and

3.) cutting notches out of the lipped area up to the bend.

Before cutting the notches, you need to decide your preference as to how many roses that you want your pan to hold.

(6 roses per row X 8 rows = 48 roses per pan every 5 minutes, or 7 roses per row X 11 rows = 77 roses per pan every 7-8 minutes.)

Tape your parchment pan liner over the notched area on the pan and let the rest of the paper hang freely below

(or use the optional rod instead of tape, but you'll need to cut additional notches for each row in the pan sides to hold the rod).

To remove your completed rose from the stick, wipe or drag each rose into one of the "V"-shaped notches in the pan that is covered by the paper.

When you've completed one row, move the paper up and continue piping another row of roses. Repeat until the pan is full.

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