Need Help Buying A New Mixer!! Not A Kitchenaid!
Baking By CupCake.Goddess Updated 1 Nov 2017 , 7:12pm by CupCake.Goddess

I recently received my refund on my broken mixer. We've had a lot of great times together so it broke my poor heart to have to pack it up and send it back to the company. I know Kitchenaid is the best in the business but I'm not up to investing a ton of money into one right now. Even if I were, I'd wait until Black Friday. What is the 2nd best mixer to Kitchenaid? What do you use?

I'm researching this one and every site says the original price is over $300.00. However, they are selling them for dirt cheap! Second, I can't find any real data on the company. Homdox 5161 Stand Mixer Powerful 800W motor with handy 6-speed control and 5 Qt - Empire Red

i was telling my husband yesterday that one thing i love as much as baking itself is baking equipment especially mixers -- mixers mixers mixers -- yum yum yum --- i have purchased many mixers and currently own four -- two 5 qts, a 12 and a 20 qt :) oh and a handheld -- so that's actually five
and i would like to have one of those mini kitchen aids -- but...
this homdox i would not touch with a ten foot whisk --
although i understand money too -- qvc has a variety of kitchen aids that you can buy on a six payment plan -- and is homdox gonna stand by it's product? there's no reviews on it and just say no -- and i mean i have a more off brand 12 quart -- it's not a hobart -- but it's a good solid commercial mixer --
no buy a nice hand held if you can't get a KA stand mixer right now -- but there are other brands that would be good but not homdox --
so hopefully others will chime in about the other decent brands

My mixer is a Better Homes And Garden that I got from Walmart for like 50 bucks. I've had it for 6 years and it runs like a champ. My husband got me a KA last year, and I use both, but for the bulk of what I do, the BHG does the job. Kitchen Aids come in different price points, and I think the cheapest I have seen is $125. KA isn't necessarily the best, it's the most popular, and that might only be because of the 1,783,284 colors they come in lol

Not sure how much caking/baking you do, but I swear by my Kitchenaid Commercial mixer. It has the exact same look as a professional series, but way more power! I bought mine with 2 extra bowls, an extra whisk, and an extra paddle. It cost me $670, but I’m going on my 6th year of using it (heavy useage) and I’ve never had any problems. It will hold 5 mixes/recipes in a bowl, and I can do a batch of icing with 4 bags of powdered sugar.

Oh, and I went through 2 professional series mixers in 2 years and two months. The first one they kindly sent me a replacement, the second I knew I was over on my warranty, but I Love Kitchenaid customer service! They’re the most helpful and kind!

I bought my mixer from a yard sale. It was a Sunbeam stand mixer that was never used and still in box. I think I paid about 40 dollars for it. I have had it now for about 6 years and it still works like a champ!! No problems so far. I hope it still works 6 years from now. When I bought it the woman said she had been given it as a marriage gift and she had no counter space for it so she never used it and she had been married for about 20 years so it was an older one but like brand new. I was in the right place at the right time luckily!!
Looking at the Homdox I see it is 800 Wt motor. That is very strong. So, K8, have you heard bad reviews for this mixer? Normally, a deal that is too good to sound true normally is. I can not believe that mixer is only a little over one hundred dollars!!!

remnant, what a score! that sounds lovely --
no i've never heard of the homdox before -- it has no reviews -- it's coming on the market with double power and more than half the price -- nuh ugh that is suspect -- like remnant said -- if it sounds too good to be true...
my best recommendation is give it a year on the market -- if it has twice as many 4 & 5 star amazon reviews than it does 1&2 star reviews -- go for it -- i really like that splash quard!
please review it if you get it

Huh. That looks almost exactly like the one Aldi is selling right now for $60. I don't know the power on it, though. I'm considering picking it up, regardless, for lightweight things. Cause, $60!

here's a drawing to register for -- then they pester you with subscribing to their magazine but somebody's gotta win it:
plus ree drummond is always having giveaways and often it's for a kitchen aid -- just google her -- the pioneer woman -- plus in about a month she will have her famous cowgirl boot 15 days of christmas giveaway which is always fun
best mixin' & bakin" forever & always

i neglected to mention that the prize in the taste of home contest is for a kitchen aid mixer -- duh on me -- but they have several other contests too...

ok here's a different link to enter the sweepstakes and NOT subscribe to the magazine:

I had to replace my KA dough hook and bought on ebay from kitchenaid this looks like a good deal to me you get the warranty as if you bought in store

wow -- that's a 6 quart -- that red one is bright! lady in red i adore you -- what a deal --
yeah the one i have now was a replacement on one i bought on ebay -- no worries --
great way to go -- awesome, jacob!

I have a question, has anyone ever had a Hamilton Beach 6 speed stand mixer, it shows it has 300 watts motor. I saw Amazon has it for 79.00. My Son's girlfriend was wanting one for Christmas and I don't want to spend 300.00 on a KA mixer at this time. Don't get me wrong I love my Son's girlfriend but can't afford the price of a KA. I also have a KA 4 qt. mixer that I got on sale after thanksgiving, would like to invest into another KA and was looking at the lift version of KA, can anyone tell me if they have one and if it is better the the Artisian.

K8memphis, that's what bothered me too! No reviews and no additional warranty. When I saw the mixer was origninally over $300 I said wow! However, as I was researching it, I noticed all the sites: Walmart, Amazon, etc all had the same spill--marked down super low. I cannot believe not a single person has bought this mixer. Its...odd. That PRICE is sooooo sweet! Ugh!! Yes, I love the Pioneer Woman. Her show is amazing! : )
Haha! MelaMang75, you sound like my sister. She's an Iphone user and will not use anything else. Yes, KA are very popular but I bake on a smaller scale. I don't see me shelling that amount of money on a mixer. You certainly have a winner! That's a lot of extras! lol
Y-Pierce82 I just want one that can do the work and I don't have to replace in a year. I LOVED my Oster but it didn't make it to two years. :(
Kakeladi If I had a larger scale bakery, then yes, I'd go for the KA. I've heard they are worth the price but Black Friday is coming up. Who knows what deals will be available, you know?
Remnant3333 You certainly got a steal on that baby!! lol Yes, the 800 wt sounds incredible and I SO want it to be true. However, I just don't want to get suckered. Homdox isn't well known...that makes me wonder.
Jacob58 That model is NICE dude!! I never knew you could get the same deal on a warranty with Ebay. Who knew? ; ) I love the red too!
JustOneMoreCake If you buy that model, please let me know how it works out? That's an awesome price!

Okay you guys...problem solved! I just looked online again and the price of my old brand just dropped $20.51! With my gift card, then I'll only pay $7.88 out of pocket! Can't beat that! : )

Yessssssssss -K8memphis!!! Its coming home! lol!!

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