scroll over at the arrow in the top right corner of the picture for a look see at the top five

They just blow my mind! I think this years entries were the most amazing yet (of course, I say that every year)! Thanks for sharing the winners, @-K8memphis ! I had seen photos of the entries, but didn't know which were the winners.

Wow..Wow...Wow!!!! The level of details is mind blowing. Just fabulous. I noticed happily that 2 Candians were runner ups, in the top 5. Not bad. Susan Trianos..who invented the billow weave technique. And Chrissie Boon, owner of Icing Inspirations, cake decorating store.

If I live to be 120, I'll never be good enough to enter the wedding cake division, but I would dearly love to enter the intermediate and some of the other classes. If I ever find a house setter to take care of all our fur babies!

Absolutely kakeladi. I mean just producing the masterpieces is one thing in and of itself. But as you say, the level of detail required, my oh my. I certainly have so much respect for the level of skill. Stressful delivering a cake, can't imagine transporting something like this!!
Thanks K8memphis for sharing.

You would do great Sandra. You have so much skill. And you always have great attention to details. I just couldn't imagine transportation. Wondering how Susan and Chrissie got there creations from Canada. Perhaps they finished their cakes in the hotel room?

Sandra WRONG!! I put your work way up there.......it would take a couple of tries but I bet you could win for sure - your work is that good. And, yes many of them come a couple of days ahead so they can have time to fix/finish their work on site. I remember one man who I think won had come from somewhere around India (?) and I read about how owrk went into it & how difficult transporting it was, the how much work was needed repairing after arriving.

I appreciate your confidence in me @jchuck and @kakeladi , but I do not have the skill to compete in the wedding cake division. I am pretty good at sculpting and painting (by the grace of God, no credit to me), but it takes a lot more than that to win the big class. Oh, and I make passable flowers, but I cannot pipe worth a hoot and almost all of the top cakes have multiple techniques, one of which is always string work and other RI work. I am not even that good at getting a neat finish on my fondant.
Mainly I would like to go and participate just for the fun! I love meeting people who share my passion and I would dearly love to see these beautiful creations in person! Thank goodness for you guys with whom I can spend time daily!

i am a slap it on and go person because in the real world you typically can't spend ten or eleven months on a design -- so slowing down enough to get a calibrated deliberate perfect creation is not in my blood -- i tried to do something for the magazine here and i was the cowboy that rode off in all directions -- so there's more to it than all that too --
i've thought about going to ossas but haven't made it yet...

You are already half way there, @-K8memphis , from where I live (Nashville), I mean. I think it would be so much fun! Since cake decorating is new for me, my retirement hobby, all I've ever done is play, so going slow and indulging in details is what I do best. I would die if I had to do what you professionals did so very well!

yeah and i would like to go see ree drummond's place too -- maybe next trip to california...

yeah and i would like to go see ree drummond's place too -- maybe next trip to california...

These are absolutely beautiful creations. i can only hope to acquire a tiny bit of this kind of talent.
K8Memphis...if you get a chance, you really should check out Ree's place. She has a beautiful store and some really great items...and the bakery is to die for. I took a few days off and went in March

If I was to compete, it would be in a area of my strengths. Unusual and different/interesting designs. So would be in a totally different division then wedding cakes. I know CI has many decorating catergories. Not sure about Ossass. I've seen amazing competition pieces in lots of catergories other than wedding division.

Exactly what I am saying, June ( @jchuck ). I would be likely to enter something with sculpture and / or flowers and maybe even the intermediate tiered cake category.
Oh yes, they have about the same classes as CI. It is the second largest cake show in the world, with CI being the first. The top prize (for the wedding cake class) was $27,000 in cash and around $17,000 in merchandise, not to mention bragging rights forever!!! You should see their awards tables.....incredible. Kerri Vincent started and continues to spearhead this show.
By the way, your amazing designs would surely do well!

Well Miss Sandra, don't know about that! It's not just the design, which of course is important, but the execution of said design. Judges look so carefully at how your cake was put together. I'd have to step up my game as I'm not the best at being neat and precise. You lose big marks for poor execution.

gjslady -- yes thank you -- i really wanna see that beautiful building, deli, store etc. and destroy my diet on some of those fantastic goodies -- mmm
we're gonna head out to visit loved ones in california before too long -- i wanna go to ree's for sure -- have to go on the way out there because we'll be too anxious to get homesweet home on the way back --
i love her recipes too -- i've tried 10,000 other recipes right and hers never fail -- amazing lady
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