Friday Night Cake Club For 9/29/17
Decorating By catlharper Updated 16 Oct 2017 , 7:41pm by remnant3333

Hi everyone! Opening up another session of the FNCC! Everybody is welcome here to share their week, photos of their work, ask for help if needed or provide help if they can!

Hi everyone!
No cake this week but got an order for a sweet tiny Baby Shower cake. Just for 6 friends suprise showering a friend with her 3rd baby. Haven't made baby high tops in awhile so I think it's going to be FUN!
Hope you had a great week!

Carla83 I am positive that there is a method that makes scrolls easier but I sure haven't discovered it! I still find them very hard to do! Your cake is beautiful!

Carla I love that cake. only method I know to make scrolls easier is practice. But you got to start somewhere. I personally have beginning skills with most of my piping but I don't work on it enough. This week I made 6 batches of cake. Learned not to make a double batch of MMF in my kitchenaid. Colored the fondant to make lego bricks. Then learned the party I am making the cake for might be postponed due to scheduling error at my nieces work. Lucky was only a time change.
I also chaperoned a 5th grade field trip to the Oregon Garden of course in the seasonal rain. plus took my son out last night to one of his favorite restaurants to celebrate his 18th birthday early since no one was available to come over on his actual birthday. Tomorrow I need to catch up on making parts to construct the lego cake. Need to make ganache and marshmallow filling. Cut the jelly roll sheets I made for layers and hoping to construct and freeze bricks. Then Monday I need to fill and ice my son's birthday cake which I am trying to surprise him with. My son's cake is for Thursday and the lego cake needs to be finished on friday. Transporting it early since my husband has to work Saturday. I trust him to drive it over better than my sister or my niece,

shdvl Good Luck with the surprise! It use to be easier when I could hide away in my pro kitchen but now everyone sees what I'm doing as I'm doing it so no surprises there!
MamaGeese I simply adore the wedding and grooms cakes! They are gorgeous and look really delicious too! I think I'm going to have to make cake this week just cause I want CAKE! LOL!
Have a great week everyone!

Thank you jacob58. I've never done wedding cakes, except small ones for family, so it was quite an undertaking for me...I'm 61 yrs old and not sure I can hold out to do many more, but the best part is knowing how good the cake is actually going to taste and look on the inside. Thanks again

a birch tree wedding cake I did last weekend, I finally was able to post stuff again. the pinecones and twigs are chocolate the magnolia is fondant.

I love that sunflower cake it is sooo pretty, great job! Chocolate grooms cake makes me wish I was a groom, yummy!

no mold, I made a hotdog shape on a strong wire then put tweeked chocolate squares on it. i used modeling chocolate.

Carla I think you did fine on your scrolls especially for it being your first time. All of the other cakes are beautiful!!! Everyone did a great job!!!
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