Panicking! Birthday Cake Due On Saturday!!
Decorating By CupCake.Goddess Updated 23 Sep 2017 , 6:25pm by Marian64

My daughter's birthday party is Saturday and I am so anxious concerning her cake! I had an original idea planned but she kept sneaking to my hiding place and ate all of the decorations! (She's autistic and turning 15 next Monday). So now I have to start from scratch! I'm thinking of doing an 8 in on top of a 10 inch with marbled white and blue fondant with gold accents for the 8 and 10 in rounds and topping it with a small ball cake. I've been sick for the past two weeks so my plans of doing something big, flashy and labor intensive are a no go. I'm still very weak. I'm so disappointed and irritated that I became ill during a time I need to bring my A game. Can anyone give me any ideas that may work? I don't want to let her down.

How about a unicorn cake? Easy and quick to make, but impressive in appearance and what girl, no matter her age, wouldn't love it?!

I LOVE unicorn cakes Sandra! Ok, that's one idea! Is that buttercream or fondant? I have premade marshmallow fondant mixed with the real stuff. I haven't perfected the art of smoothing buttercream and getting those AMAZING razor sharp ages! Any tips?

Sandra's suggestion is great but since you asked for other ideas how about something like this:
I can get only one link on here so another idea will be a seperate post :(

@CupCake.Goddess , you could certainly do this by covering the cake with fondant. There are a million ways to do a unicorn. You could even make the mane with different colors fondant, if you wanted to, but piping would be easier. Any brightly colored design would be fun. How about a mermaid cake or ice cream cone cake?

((Kakeladi and Sandra)) these are all so lovely!!! Before we went to bible study, I made three 8 inch and four 6 inch rounds and two small sphere cakes. There is enough here for me to dibble and dabble from. I just hope she likes it. I never expected to fall ill during this time. :(

Wow that's a lot of cake! I find baking the layers the worst part so that's over now onto the fun stuff :)
I love the unicorn cakes as well, so cute yet they look simple enough (never had the opportunity to make one yet) I'm not seven great at smooth buttercream or smooth fondant to be honest but I think most people won the notice a little imperfection!
good luck, don't forget to post some pictures when you are done!

Your cakes look great, @CupCake.Goddess , and you certainly have enough different sizes to do whatever design you choose.

Coffeelover77 Yea!! Part 1 is over!! lol Yes, I agree. The fun is definitely in the decorating! I'm with you! I'm not good at smoothing buttercream or fondant so I'm going to try my hand at ganache tonight. In the past, I've always whipped it for frosting but I'm going to try the smoothing technique to try to get sharp edges this time. (Wish me luck)) Yes, I'll be sure to post it when its finished.
Sandra and Kakeladi's ideas really helped! I'm going to do a spin on Sandra's scales and fins idea along with Kakeladi's flowers on the top of the cake. They look so pretty! I've never made lillies or carnations before. Thank you Sandra! : ) I was going to make more but I think if I torte them, that will be quite enough.
I'm pushing forward for the next couple of days, friends! No time for fatigue. We have to knock this one outta the park! lol And thank you all so much. All of you are so very talented. You don't know how much your suggestions mean to me. Lots of hugs to all of you. xoxo

Oh yes! I forgot one more idea I'm using. I love the way the unicorn's "hair" is flowing down the side of the cake... Thank you all again! I'm so excited!!

UPDATE: This is how they look right now. I will be covering them in fondant and decorations tonight. Its okay to work on chilled ganache right?

As far as I know it is. I always leave my cakes in the frig until I am ready to add the fondant.

Yes, that's what I did. They're in the fridge now. I've been reading about placing a thin layer of shortening on the underside of the fondant before placing it over the ganache to make it stick and it will have a lot less air bubbles.

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