Friday Night Cake Club For 8/4/17
Decorating By catlharper Updated 7 Aug 2017 , 11:46pm by remnant3333

Hi everyone! Glad to be back from Vacation! Hope everyone was good during my time off and that lots of cakes were created! So opening up another FNCC tonight! Hope to see lots of cakes!

So...I don't know if I told you all about the book I'm writing on the California Missions. I'm photographing them all and then writing an informative as well as historical book on each one. My vacation was around visiting 9 more of them. I only have 3 to go now before I have photographed all 21! The Missions are very much a part of living and growing up in California as well as just being beautiful buildings and filled with gorgeous art. Even if you are not religious they are simply wonderful to visit.
Anyways, I did have a cake. I made a lemon soda pop cake with fresh blueberry icing! It was a real hit!

@Marian64 Holy Cow! Wow! The finish is what is mesmerizing me...SO good! Bet he loved it! LOL!
As for the book, I've been fascinated with the missions since I was a kid. It's a common thing for 4th graders to be assigned a mission to do a report about and/or make something like a model. My mission was the Carmel Mission...which I didn't see in real life till I was in my 30's! But yes, I'm always fascinated with history!
ps...what flavor is the cake?

@DormCat Who can blame them? She is simply adorable!!! She matches the one I did a few years ago for my mom! No one wanted to cut him either! LOL! Cat

@DormCat your minion is adorable. Don't think I would want to cut her either.
@catlharper thank you. He doesn't get to see the cake till tomorrow evening. So I am so glad you do FNCC because apparently everyone I have text the picture to is either a sleep or out. The fondant has seems on each layer, but painting the diamonds seem to cover a lot of mistakes. It is Beyond Buttercreams white cake with plain buttercream frosting. Most of my family likes to stick with the basic flavors.

Three cakes I made for a triple birthday party today!

@catlharper hope you enjoyed your vacation but glad you're back as I missed FNCC. Your lemon soda pop cake with the blueberry icing sounds interesting and looks yummy!
@Marian64 great job on the snake but also ewww! Lol
@DormCat cute minion! Love the bananas!
@kristiemarie your three cakes are really cute! Were they all the same flavor or did each child want their own flavor?
@whatthedogate firstly, interesting username! Lol. Congrats on your first two tier cake! It looks yummy.
Guess it was a minion week as I also made one this week. We had a visiting masters student from Portugal in our lab this summer. Long story short, I told her I'd make her a cake before she left. When Despicable Me 3 came out I learned that she really likes minions so then I knew what to make her as a cake. He's dressed in traditional Portuguese clothing. The rooster is made from modeling chocolate and painted with a new (to me) product, Poppy Paints. He is the Rooster of Barcelos which is one of the most common emblems of Portugal. The minion is holding the Portuguese flag (card stock) and (gumpaste) lavender which is their national flower. Até já means "see you in a little while" instead of saying good bye.
My second cake was for a baby shower and was a recreation of one I made back in 2014. I don't like doing the same cake twice so I changed up color of the sneakers and put a fox on the onesie in place of the giraffe that was on my original one.
Hope everyone had a great week! Pics to follow.

@kakeladi thank you! It wasn't actually to bad. It didn't start looking real until I was about half way through painting the diamonds.
@kristiemarie saw your post on here earlier. They are adorable.
@whatthedogate I like your name too. Unless the dog ate the cake, which I had happen once. Your cake looks delicious.
@kstevens your minion is amazing!!! I like on the Portuguese touches, what a lucky student.
Cute baby shower cake. How did you use to make the fox? I am getting ready to make a woodland animal theme baby shower cake in a couple of weeks. My first grandbaby.

@Marian64 congrats on the grandbaby! The fox is made out of fondant. I did a Google search for animal templates, sized them to what I needed and then settled on using the fox. I always use packing tape to tape off my templates on both sides before I cut them out of the paper. This helps to make them more rigid and easier to reuse if need be. It also keeps them from absorbing moisture from the fondant and ruining them. It's a trick I learned from a cake tutorial but don't remember whose it was to give them credit for the idea. I can send you the templates I found if you like.

You guys...all your cakes are so amazing. I come here every night in awe of your work. My name is Donna (whatthedogate). That is the name of my food blog, and is so named because the day I was thinking up a name, my beautiful Weimaraner, Blue (may he rest in peace) stole a waffle off the table.
I look forward to sharing more creations and definitely look forward every night to seeing what everyone else has cooked up.

Hi Donna! Welcome to Cake Central :-) Your username is a cute tribute to Blue. I used to have a lab pittbull mix named Braxton. He was a rescue dog, a very sweet boy, a pig and some times not so bright. I started feeding him vegetables to help make him feel full so in his mind all vegetables were his. I had bought a large bag of carrots that wouldn't fit in my fridge so I put them on a stool in the kitchen. When I came home from work the bag was half eaten as in all the ends of the carrots were gone. Not bright enough to pull carrots out if the bag to eat them, he ate as far as he could get his head in to reach! Lol
On another note, I found your blog and everything looks delicious!

love all the great work here -- and glad yous are back!

Kstevens- they were chocolate, vanilla and then a chocolate vanilla mix.

Thank you @kstevens . Your Braxton sounds like he was a cutie. Dogs are so much a part of our families.

Everyone did a fantastic job. I really love the snake cake. It looks so real!!!!
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