Help On Gold Leaf Flakes Cake
Decorating By cmlara_2009 Updated 1 Jul 2017 , 9:42pm by fondantslinger

I wanted to see if anyone had any recommendations for a brand of edible gold leaf flakes I could use to help me achieve a look like this for an upcoming cake. I know gold leaf can be expensive so I wanted to see if there were some brands that are more cost friendly or come in bigger sizes.
Also, does anyone have any ideas as to how much gold flakes I would need to achieve this look on a 3 tier cake - 12", 10", 8"?
Thanks for the help!

I posted a tip that can help a bit ago.
Choose gold. Lightly scrunch & flatten out a piece of heavy aluminum foil.
Pour about 2 teaspoons of the edible gold paint onto foil & spread with back of spoon.
Leave it dry room temp few hours. Once completely dry gently flex the foil to break up the gold leaf paint pieces.
Removethe pieces with tweezers & put onto your cake with edible glue........edible faux inexpensive gold leaf looking real.
Hope you like it an try works!

If you are in the US, the FDA has not approved any real metals as a food additive that will be eaten. If a real metal product is advertised in the US as "edible", it is likely manufactured in another country where it is considered edible but that designation is not applicable in the US. Real metals, like gold and silver, are for decorative use only in the US.

You & I went on this round once before with your tangent on the FDA.
The tip was in one of the most respected & published magazine in the world for cake decorators, professional & others with artistic abilities in edible art.
Do you seriously think if harmful & not using good judgement in the use of any ingredient it would be forwarded to many for use?
Sorry but You really must chill or redirect your issues..

Quote by @fondantslinger on 2 hours ago
I posted a tip that can help a bit ago.
Choose gold. Lightly scrunch & flatten out a piece of heavy aluminum foil.
Pour about 2 teaspoons of the edible gold paint onto foil & spread with back of spoon.
Leave it dry room temp few hours. Once completely dry gently flex the foil to break up the gold leaf paint pieces.
Removethe pieces with tweezers & put onto your cake with edible glue........edible faux inexpensive gold leaf looking real.
Hope you like it an try works!
Thanks for the suggestion! I would have never thought to do that. I'll have to give it a go, thanks!

Quote by @fondantslinger on 22 minutes ago
You & I went on this round once before with your tangent on the FDA.
The tip was in one of the most respected & published magazine in the world for cake decorators, professional & others with artistic abilities in edible art.
Do you seriously think if harmful & not using good judgement in the use of any ingredient it would be forwarded to many for use?
Sorry but You really must chill or redirect your issues..
I made no reference to your "tip" in my reply. Perhaps you need to
take some of your own advice and chill and redirect when you seem to
find an argument when no one has addressed you directly? I addressed
the open question on gold leaf posed by the OP.
The tip you
give seems very reasonable. Magic Colours aren't readily available in
the US, but even so, someone could choose to go to the trouble/$ to get
them or to try using any other, readily available FDA approved edible
metallic airbrush color.
As for your deep desire to see a
magazine as infallible, good luck with that. Some vet information, yet
many others just publish popular lore and never look any farther. There
are many instances in "respected & published magazine[s] in the
world for cake decorators,
professional & others with artistic abilities in edible art" where
disco dust is described as edible, where inedible highlighter dust is
painted directly on cookies, etc. When corrected, they rarely retract,
and if they did, who would actually see it?
In answer to your
question, do I think incorrect/bad advice can come from a magazine? You
magazines, editors, and even bakers cannot make that claim.

I was offering some info to a fellow caker to help with a suggestion and it was info that wasn't to become a fiasco involving the FDA.
End of conversation.....

Quote by @fondantslinger on 1 day ago
I was offering some info to a fellow caker to help with a suggestion and it was info that wasn't to become a fiasco involving the FDA.
End of conversation.....
YOU attacked me for giving basic, simple information that EVERY person making food should know.
I offered information for the same reason: to help a fellow caker so that they would be aware.
There is no fiasco, except in your own mind.
Get over yourself.......

@SandraSmiley that was the first thing that came to my mind lol!!!! Woman after my own heart. Hahaha

LOL! Her's a toast to you, @aldonza (with Goldschlager, of course)!

You know how they have those Hennessy infused cakes @SandraSmiley ? I wonder how a Glodschlager infused cake would be

You just gotta love having a battle of wits with an unarmed person

Crap! @aldonza , neither of us can type! I meant "Here's", not her's!
Don't know about either a Hennessy or a Goldschlager infused cake? Sounds sort of nasty, actually :o(

if you find some cheaper and you can find it cheaper -- it's NOT gold and is potentially more harmful than the gold would be although all of it of course is highly suspect and not approved --
i used disco once when i worked for someone else and i hate myself for that -- and i used gold on my kid's wedding cake and i've forgiven myself for that but more and more i try to err on the side of safety --
i've tried the "health food" type food color but it's too pricey to be practical and basically i'm glad i'm not doing cakes anymore --
it's best to be safe -- i appreciate everyone's point of view and maybenot is correct on this one -- i understand the technique fondantslinger kindly shares to make it easier for you -- i honestly doubt anything that is that metallic could be food safe --
there are crystal colors here in the states you can mix with gum arabic and water if it will mix with water and maybe get something but they are not as vivid because vivid means metal and we should simply not ingest that --
best to all

Technically we're all right. Anything in the metals family can be toxic but people have been decorating foods for the eye appeal for years with things such as gold leaf, silver leaf, bronze's & coppers. The point is not to use to the extreme. Like a little dab will do ya! For decades we've been subject to lead in paint to zinc & lead in our drinking water until we finally got smart enough to formulate things for our safety. There's no doubt tho that it probably still exists in many things we consume but in a safe moderation form. So.....just don't overdo!

@aldonza , it sure looks impressive. I really think I prefer to drink my Goldschlager, though.
Looks like you and I are going to die :o(((

Quote by @SandraSmiley on 2 hours ago
@aldonza , it sure looks impressive. I really think I prefer to drink my Goldschlager, though.
Looks like you and I are going to die :o(((
Goldschlager is a Swiss product, regulated at the point of origin by Swiss food & beverage safety requirements. The FDA does make decisions about priorities, and at times institutes a "wait & see" policy with regards to such imports. That policy doesn't extend to products made in the US. In some cases, products are not imported via channels where they would be easily flagged. Put simply, so much comes into the country that they have no way of catching everything.
But, in reality, that doesn't change the fact that there are standards in place for US food producers. Anyone can choose to ignore those standards at their own risks--risks of money, business, legal issues, etc. I prefer not to have those risks because I don't think that they're worth it, but hey, whatever floats your boat, right?
As with so many people who would rather refute, or ignore, proper advice, they deride it and exaggerate what was said. It's much easier than learning, and practicing, what is actually correct.
How anyone can go from some basic educational information to the sky-is-falling "guess we're gonna' die", I don't know.
Yes, it is much
easier to mocking well-intentioned, factual information than it is to absorb the information and use it.
Personally, when I know better, I do better--and I feel better.

@maybenot , I never use anything in food that has not been deemed edible. On the other hand, the Goldschlager conversation is all in fun and not intended to disparage your advise. Seriously, I am not at all concerned that I will come to harm due to the consumption of gold.

@sandrasmiley I'm not at all worried about self concerns regarding consumption of anything. People can eat whatever they damn well please---lint, clay, tons of cornstarch, bottles of Goldschlager until they look like they're wearing a gold plated grill.
My concern is that people from the US--on this site and beyond--who are making food for others [particularly to sell to others]--who are LIABLE for what they produce--understand that there is a standard for the use of real metals on food.
I'm used to being mocked for my concern and my efforts to educate. People are inclined to pile on with the mockers. It's much more fun than standing up for the truth for many.
Bullying is the same at 60 as it is at 6. I've just never cared about what they think. Not gonna start now.
If one person reads the thread and "gets it", that's just fine..........and the original Goldschlager post WAS to "disparage my advice", or, at a minimum, cast some doubt on the validity of it and make it inconsequential..........I get that. I'm a lot of things, but dense isn't one of them.
Happy Decorating

Okay one more go for the Gold Leaf for any skeptics still out there.
Sugar Delites ( Jennifer Dontz, owner & world renown phenomenal sugar flower artist has a new airbrush product called 'PrimAiry' colors & there's Gold & its ingredients are FDA APPROVED. I have a copy of the spec sheet sent to Jennifer who forwarded it to me from the her supplier.
Sugar Delites is a great shop for a huge variety of decorating supplies including tutorials as well. Jen is located in MI .

cool yeah it says it's a "...vibrant, opaque, matte finish..." -- it's a golden pearl which means a nice gold opaque color but not vivid shiny metallic gold like the leaf is -- yes the edible products are not shiny metallic

Am I the only one who has doubts that the gold shown in the picture is gold leaf? It "acts" like gold leaf, but the color seems all wrong. I wonder if this is the gold leaf substitute made by spraying aluminum foil with gold airbrush spray and letting it dry. Any thoughts?

It's a golden pearl - it's not what I originally tried out on the alum foil, that was a metallic gold (shiny-r' stuff) by Magic Colours. This is still an airbrush coloring also but from PrimAiry Colors, it's more opaque like K8Memphis mentioned. Should work the same, shade just won't be as shiny.

yes i agree it does look pinky or something -- i think it's something like this --i hope so anyway
and the following is what i would avoid -- and to their credit -- they are not advising to use on food
but here's a less expensive version of #1
hey ^^^^ those have gold and silver in same container if i'm reading that right which looks/sounds like the stuff in the picture --- yah think? but you can get just gold too but if it's not expensive don't buy it if it says it's gold

i mean it's less expensive because different quantity

but that stuff is influenced by the colors surrounding it too but it looks more like flakes than leaf
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