I was asked to make a wedding cake, this is a trial run. I'll be cleaning it up with some tips I've gathered. It's two 9 inch rounds and two 6 inch on top. White almond cake with buttercream frosting. I was thinking $60 - $75. Pricing is the hardest part for me! I don't use cheap ingredients. I never know what to charge for my time.
Anyone use the cakeboss program for pricing?

It is hard to suggest pricing as sooooo many things enter into the mix:( Best thing is to figure out *ALL* the ingredients, and equipment (boards, seperator items, ect) how much electric &/or gas you used, and how long it took to bake, decorate, and clean up. It also depends on where yhou are located.......rural, small town, big city, Expensive city, or where? What one person suggest might be only a fraction of what you should charge:(
Saying all that I would suggest around $3.50 per serving. If I remember right a 9" round serves 48 so the cake should go for about $150-$175

I struggle with the money part too! I haven't been doing this for very long, but I read a while back that you add up all of your ingredients and supplies, and then take that number and at least double or triple it depending on what they are having done. I haven't done this much honestly, it did help put it into perspective though. Obviously you want to charge the amount of your ingredients and supplies, but you have to decide for yourself what your time and art are worth to you. The money talk part of it really makes my stomach hurt, but the bakinig and decorating really does take a significant amount of time and energy.

You need to charge more than 75 dollars. Kakeladi is more in line with 150-175 dollars and she is not including your top layer which also has two six inch layers.
You would be making no money for yourself charging such a cheap amount!!

Maybe Kakeladi was including the top layer. I tried to edit above but was not allowed to do so. I do not sell cakes but only do as a hobby but I have seen from others who sell that it costs a lot more than 75 dollars for the 2 tier cake you show above.

so let's see, 9x6 is 32+12 is about 44 servings -- wow $4 a serving is pretty rock bottom -- let's see 44 times $4 -- $176 plus delivery and tax -- delivery is at least $1 a mile both directions --
practice in the mirror, saying , "that'll be $500" and mean it! then when you say $225 it'll be easy peasy :)
best to you -- don't give it away

Yes, it gets easier. In the beginning we tend to sell ourselves short because we are unsure. Have confidence in your work and in your pricing!
I have never done the multiply ingredients x2 or x3. I calculated once just to see what it was and there is no way I would make any money doing it that way. There is much more to pricing than just ingredients, and you ALWAYS charge for your time! You need to figure out an hourly rate and add that in. There is a lady near me that charges no less than $18.00/hr. Charge for delivery. All of that needs to be taken in to account as well.

Ah, okay. I thought you'd got something non-poisonous that looked like daffodil. Nevermind. It's a pretty effect!

We've all been in the price. to charge position......it can be scary..you don't want people to run off thinking you've lost your mind..it's "just cake". But you don't want to go 'broke' either!
A well known fabulous cake artist named Norman David sent me an email once letting me know that what we do is art. We have a talent & we should never sell our good God given assets short, they are a gift. Prospective clients who want. Vera Wang, Justin Alexander or Versace gowns aren't going to get them for Wal-Mart prices either. Kakeladi said it...add everything up from spraying an dusting your pan to washing all equipment when done baking. Put a hourly rate on yourself & be honest about it. I live in a small rural area, cattle country. I called every food place I could think of & yes even area decorators pretending to want a cake to get a feel for what people were charging an paying. Then from there I took a happy medium & set my prices. If the customer doesn't like it then go elsewhere because someone will look at your work love your flavors an but from you. You cannot not ever please them all. Do right by you! Kakeladi have you a good number per serving. I always at the end of my calculation add a 10% miscellaneous cost to final just in case I may have forgotten something. Don't be intimidated by hi number dollars..Do Not Sell Yourself Short. These cakes are works of art an honey art ' ain't' cheap!

Most all of us weren't at one time. Just takes practice an patience. There's a lot of us on this site if you need something or help..just ask. If you feel you can't make a certain item we can probably tell you where to get it already made. Just add in the item an shipping into your cost before you quote to someone. If not sure what to charge tell customer you'll get back to them after you draft it up what they want to give them a closer estimate. If your going to do cakes because once someone knows what you can do they'll spread the word. Make yourself up a contract to cover yourself from any misunderstandings. Go online check out a few cake contract samples take bits an pieces from each an make your own. Once you start an you have the drive an passion you'll be making beautiful cakes believe in yourself.

I just thought to myself I'm starting to sound like a philosopher.....I'm scaring myself!! I am just a firm believer in lending a helping hand. Alot of good people, fabulous cake artists have me advice, walked me thru tough times of decorating. Fed me encouragement for those people I am eternally grateful & because of the likes of them I feel the need to give to others as well.
And please forgive some of my spelling...my phone has a way of it's own!

Pricing was and still is hard for me sometimes, but I've come up with my own pricing method and it helps me stay confident in what I'm charging when I can see what I'm charging for. It gets easier trust me. Just remember your time and effort is worth it. I remind myself all the time that they can't negotiate prices with Wal-Mart and Sam's Club, so I won't allow anyone to make me feel bad for charging what I'm worth.
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