Hi Everyone!
As my friend's wedding reception draws near (April 2nd), I have been working on the gumpaste flowers and working out all of the details, logistics, etc.
I can't seem to get my mind settled on how to do the cake topper, though. The cake topper she wants is full of roses and filler flowers, shaped like a dome. I researched and saw somewhere that some people use a fondant-covered styrofoam dome. I was going to attempt that technique. But there are no "instructions" anywhere.
Have any of you tried this?
In an attempt to break down the process, I came up with the following:
- Lightly spray the styrofoam dome with water (so the fondant will stick).
- Roll out fondant and cover styrofoam (dome and bottom side, so all is covered).
- Insert individual gumpaste flower wires into fondant in desired display. (Don't cut the wires TOO short, though!)
- Use support in top cake layer to support the weight of the topper.
I have a few questions, though.
- Has anyone had any flowers fall out? Or shift?
- Does the fondant on the dome need to dry a bit before sticking in the flower wires?
- Is this the most efficient/stable way of creating a "dome" shape of gumpaste flowers?
I welcome any ideas, suggestions, corrections, criticisms...
I appreciate and value your willingness to share.
Thank you so much! Wishing everyone a sweet day! (((Hugs)))

I have done something similar. No, the flowers do not fall out nor shift. You can increase that possibility by dipping the 'stem'/wire in royal icing or melted (white?) chocolate. Don't use too much water - spray very, very lightly and go right to work after covering. Yah, I think that's the best way to do it.

Well.... this was a big FAIL for me. I'm so upset. I simply cannot execute this. I have tried several ways. I think the issue is how I made my roses. I think I should have flared them out more with the last attached petals. No matter what I do, the gaps are just too big, even though I am filling open spaces with filler flowers.
Anyway, I'm sad to say it's not working out for me. My plan B is to try to salvage my flowers and try create a nice full spray for the top.
We'll see!... I am very disappointed with myself that I cannot do this.
Hope everyone is having a nice weekend!

Thanks so much. I really appreciate it... Nothing is photo-ready right now.
The fondant covered styrofoam dome is no more. During my first attempt, it became quickly apparent that my dome was just too big. So I took the fondant off and cut the dome down to what I expected to work. Re-covered it in fondant and started over. It didn't work either. So I scrapped that idea.
I'm now trying to tape the flowers together and face them outward, to kind of give an affect of a dome-shape. Just having trouble with the "bunch" that will go straight down the middle. (Not stable.) Then of course I'm trying position so the center wire ends are not visible.
Just so disappointed in myself... I don't take my failures very well. Even though I could not find any tutorials on what I was trying to do, I really thought somehow I could pull it off. I really just want to cry right now, but I keep pushing my emotions down and telling myself to just stay focused.
I'm surprised I'm having so much trouble.

Hi Goreti... Well, considering how badly I failed today, that video was painful to watch. Zip-zip 1-2-3 done. Wow. Thank you for posting it, it's exactly what I was trying to do. At this point I don't think I can pull it off. Most of my flowers are now cut pretty short from my first two attempts.
I don't think I have time to make more flowers, but I might somehow have to. Ugh!
Thank you so much again!!! <3

If your flowers are wired then you could always retape some more wires to the ends. I would also recommend adding some 'filler flowers' to your arrangement.
The rosebuds are a great idea or something small that will dry quickly.
Maybe post a picture of what you have so far even though you are not happy as you may be surprised what people come up with.
Good Luck.

Thank you all so much!... I have taken a break & had something to eat. Went back to Michaels for more styrofoam domes. ... And I'm ready to try again.
Thanks for the boost of confidence! It really means a lot.
P.S. Right now I am just waaaayyyyy too embarrassed to even take a picture. It's so far from what I expect of myself.

It's not working.... Too many gaps... and I'm breaking my filler flowers left and right. (I made lots extra, too.) It's very very sloppy. This is not the quality work I do.... at all. : (
I can't believe I seriously have to consider starting completely over, make new flowers and a new topper concept.

Thank you... Sincerely. I just took everything apart and am leaving it until tomorrow. (I'm sure I won't sleep over this. Ugh.)
I'm not going to try the fondant covered styrofoam dome again. Three times I failed. (However, That video above is really awesome, though!)
Hope you (all) have a good night! Thank you so much again!

I'm assuming you want to do something like this. I use a ball of fondant with loads of cmc added instead of the styro ball.

Oh thank you so much for this new idea! I think something like this would work perfect for me. Maybe I can salvage my flowers AND make something beautiful. Your cake is gorgeous!
if you happen to come back to this discussion, would you mind my asking if you incorporate any type of base "support" under the cmc/fondant? (Sorry to ask.)
Thank you again!

Just wanted to thank everyone for their help, support and assistance. I truly appreciate each of you who took the time to reply and follow my trials with this topper.
I made it this morning, using the fondant/tylose ball. It was very easy, and I had normal breakage using this method. It's pretty. Not as pretty as what all of you have shared with me, but I think that my friend will really like it.
And as much as my nerves were completely shot yesterday, I really want to do this again!

A thought for another time. Especially if it's a small spray. You can buy good old parrafin wax. After you wrap your wired flowers with floral tape, dip the wire in warmed parrafin wax. Let dry, dip again, a couple more times. Parrifin wax is food safe, so now your wax covered wired flowers can be pushed directly into your cake.
Hope this helps.

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