Ok CC members. As the post title says, I'm perplexed. I usually pop onto CC every couple of days. So pretty semi regular. Ok, I thought this was a problem on just my phone and IPad. But it's the same on my PC. When I click on TODAY'S FAVOURITE PHOTOS it use to show 10-12 across the top. Lately it's only 4 or 5. Today, only 3?? You could click on View More, and see that day's posts. Nope, for me, just the same 3 posted that come up. When I click on This Week..I see 50, many never appeared for me in the top 10-12. Only seeing them here in This Week. It's pretty much ditto for NEWEST CAKE PHOTOS. My Ipad is only showing 11 new photo's, that were newly posted today. That's it. And I know more than 11 cakes get posted in one day. When I click on Today, shows only 8 out of the 11 new cakes posted.
I've used Safari, Google Chrome and Foxfire..doesn't matter. Same result. I haven't seen this enquiry, and don't think I've missed a post on it. SOoooo...is anyone else experiencing this phenomenon???

I had absolutely no pictures yesterday...just assumed they are working on the site? I like to look at the newest cakes....first place I go, but there was nothing - not one - in the gallery yesterday. No new ones, no older ones. Looks like the gallery is back up today, but as you stated, only a few new ones...perhaps posting issues while they were working on the site?

Well 640 cake
Been like this for me for several weeks now. Can't imagine the site has been "under maintenance" that long. At least I know I'm nit losing my mind...it's happening to other CC members too. I did notice more Chinese hacks on the picture pists yesterday.

I've noticed the same thing for several weeks as well, and yes....definitely more Chinese hacks again. I didn't know if people were no longer posting pics of their cakes and it had slowed down because of that, or if there was some other problem. I love seeing the cakes and looking at the great talent that posts here, so the pics are greatly missed.

Hey Guys,
I just wanted to let you know a few things about what has been going on on the website over the past week.
1. This is very important.. the cakecentral.com website has NOT been hacked. We take security very seriously and I cannot stress this point enough. We have not been hacked.
2. We use a service called S3 to store our images and static files (like JS and CSS). This is a service offered by Amazon AWS. They had a HUGE problem this week that not only affected us, but most of the internet as well. If you are interested you can read more about that here:
3. Like every forum on the internet, we are not immune to spammers. We are a highly trafficked website, which makes us a target. We are constantly updating our software to battle spammers, while not limiting our regular users.
4. We also update our hardware this week, so in the late evening / early morning we did have a some maintenance periods. This also affected the search results and the home page images, and the gallery results. Once all the hardware updates are finished today, these problems will be automatically resolved.

Thanks Jackie
And I made a mistake..I should have said spammers. That's what I meant to say. Big difference. The spammers are so annoying. I use to moderate a site, and it was a weekly endeavour to weed them out. Hopefully, the picture galleries will return to normal..

Also - not sure if a lot of people are having this problem but for the last few weeks I have been unable to comment on any posts, also unable to report this as a problem. I just get a message saying 'whoops, something went wrong'. Very annoying!
Today is the first day in weeks that it has been possible to post anything.

@bubs1stbirthday The updates that were made to the website this week should resolve that issue. Thanks again to everyone for reporting bugs and letting us know when something is working the way it should!

i love this site -- it helps feed my cake life -- keeps it from starving -- even when i'm not physically caking -- this is wonderful -- has been wonderful for over ten years i guess
thank you

Hey guys just a quick update. I just finished updating our spam filters again so we should start seeing a lot less spam and less legit posts being auto-flagged and held for review.
The problems with the gallery images not showing in favorites, history etc should be fixed now as well.

Nope... still not fixed for me. Still the same on all devices, including pc. Only seeing 3 pictures in Today's Favorite Photos. Clicking on View More..see the same 3 only...Sigh...
Newest Cake Photos is fine. Seei g all.
Sigh...thought after reading Jackie's post..all was fixed.

@jchuck the 3 photos for most saved this morning is accurate. Because of the maintenance windows this weekend, a lot of people were unable to upload new photos, or save to favorites, which is why the count is so low. You should start seeing more as the day progresses.

Just letting you know that I have been able to make posts for the last few days, thanks.

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