We make gluten free cakes frequently and I've occasionally made vegan, but now I have a booked bride (ie I'm committed) who wants/needs a gluten free vegan cake. The only good-sounding recipe that I've found uses an organic gluten free flour from California (Celine's) that is $38 for five pounds with shipping! Vegan cakes can be very fragile and fall apart, or not rise. I'll try my good vegan recipe with GF flour today, but am wondering if any of you fabulous people have a tried and true vegan GF cake you would share?

can you go chocolate or fruity?
I'm at an appt right now & can't get the link but if you can go choco look at the "just mayo" website they have a nice tasty recipe that when dressed up well with icing and other lovely gooey things would work --
then add some xanthan gum -- just a little -- measure carefully -- to any flour that doesn't already have it --
I'd put some baby food applesauce in a yellow or white cake --
yes it is pricey especially if you are recipe testing -- how many servings?

but if you could do some kind of all out fruity cake like an apple cake with fruit in the batter that would be delicious and much more doable, successful taste wise especially over plain white or yellow where there's no where to run to no where to hide kwim

Hi I need a recipe that is doable - tried a chocolate vegan gluten free cake - but the client found it too heavy.
Please can someone send me a good recipe - it must be Gluten , dairy, nut and egg free.
Thank you so much

don't worry -- the "just mayo" brand mayo is vegan --
wonderful cake -- gotta try out your gf cake flour in it
best to you -- lemme know if you try it

K8memphis thank you so much - someone has requested for a cake for her children who have never had a birthday cake due to all their allergies.
She wants a sponge cake - its becoming challenging.

handymama - I also tried a recipe off the net - it was heavy and a;; i could taste is the flour

try aquafaba cake recipes for the chiffon -- it's google-able -- i've never made one but that's a good direction --
but it's annoying for someone to want a cake that traditionally has egg foam as its basis when they cannot eat eggs --- i mean seriously -- but lucky you -- aquafaba is now a thing and available --
but i tell yah this is exactly why i did not do recipe testing for paying customers unless they wanted to cough up big time for it -- aka "just say no" :)
an in general tip -- two basic types of pre-mixed gf flour -- one is for bread and one for cake -- the flour more successful for cake has the xanthan gum already in it -- you can't just go buy any gf flour and get it to cooperate -- i am no expert but gf flour is quite a study all in itself -- i'd suggest getting pre-mixed --
gf baking is quite challenging -- would love to hear how it goes -- best to you

I have a young lady I bake for. Gluten intolerant, plus other sensitivities. So I bake vegan for her..safe.
I use Bob's Redmill one to one flour. I use chick pea liquid as my egg replacement, almond milk instead of cow's milk. Then I basically bake a white/vanilla cake as I normally would. I also use the chick pea liquid to make vegan royal icing. (You can get that from the Aquafaba site). Then I make cooked flour icing, using aforementioned flour, using all shortening. To give the icing stability, I add half of the chick pea royal icing to the flour icing.
Hope this helps

Thanks jchuck. So far we've used vegan recipes with the Bob's flour that you use. One was so heavy -- even after over-baking to the point that the outer inch was relatively hard -- that oil would drip out of it when I squeezed it. Do you use veg. oil or substitute applesauce, or something else? Is the texture of your cake stable enough for a stacked cake?

Well handymama
Actually I should tell you that I actually used one to one flour from a local Bulk store. There "brand". The employee said it was Bob's Red Mill in there bin. It's cheaper because they buy in bulk and remove from the package. So, perhaps my flour isn't quite the same? I made cupcakes too, and no problem.
There is a member here MsGf who does only gluten free. Perhaps you can find her here and pm her. She has helped me. I'm sure she would be willing to help you too.

“A good rule of thumb is to use one tablespoon of aquafaba for one egg yolk, two tablespoons for one egg white or three tablespoons for one whole egg,”
Here's the recipe for Aquafaba/chick pea royal icing:http://wallflowerkitchen.com/vegan-eggless-royal-icing/

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