In the past two days, in this site, I get a pop sponsored content box that is very annoying. It was never there before. There is a way to reduce it, but not make it go away or close completely. I deleted cookies, ran scans, but can't get rid of it. Is anyone else experiencing it?

yes me -- annoying -- and i deleted all cookies and history -- no es bueno

thank you, gscout73 :)
it's ba-ack -- but if i wait for it to fully load then click on the top right corner it reduces down in size so that i can read the forums, jgiff, if that's any consolation for you --

and while i have no clue as to where these barnacles come from i don't think jackie would purposefully add anything annoying on here --

wow, jackie, you shut down this last spam attack muy pronto!
what i saw was that it blossomed to nearly two pages in nano seconds -- then it was gone -- poof

We got lucky that I was on the site right when it came in.
I have a feeling they might try to hit it hard this weekend. They tend to look for timing around when we might be likely to not pay attention, like Superbowl Weekend. This seems to be the type of opportunity they look for to make their comebacks.
I guess we will see..

Ok great, just wanted to make sure it was working. This way the regular users don't have to be annoyed by it and the drive-by looky-loos can help keep the lights on
Quote by @gscout73 on 45 minutes ago
Ok, you got me, Heath.
I saw it, logged in to tell you I saw it, left and came back. It was juuuust there, b4 logging in to make this reply, and now see that it is not there. Whew. I'll log in right away from now on, before I lurk.
Quote by @%username% on %date%