Blog Help!

Lounge By brooksie429 Updated 2 Mar 2011 , 12:39am by sillywabbitz

brooksie429 Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
brooksie429 Posted 2 Mar 2011 , 12:19am
post #1 of 2

I have recently started a blog on baking and I really need help on what I can do better! Feel free to critique me! I feel like there might be too many words or it feels too cluttered! Please follow and comment on my posts so that I can do better!

Please help!

1 reply
sillywabbitz Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
sillywabbitz Posted 2 Mar 2011 , 12:39am
post #2 of 2

First I think your blog design is super cute. Love the cupcake logo and the colors. The only thing I see kind of wrong with it, is that the "content" section is really narrow. It just seems there is a lot of wasted space on the sides and in the side bar itself. I also really like your poll...I might have to steal that idea for my blog one day!

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