Alternative To Expensive Airbrush Kit?
Decorating By dancindarlin23 Updated 20 Nov 2010 , 6:00pm by Amber0095

Hello; I am wanting to make a Darth Vader cake and spray it black; however, since I don't do fancy cakes often at all I don't want to invest in an expensive airbrush machine. Anybody have any alternative ideas?
Would this work?
Or is it missing pieces?
I'm a complete newb; sorry. Thanks!

Why dont you just buy the edible spray paint? Wilton makes them, they are called color mist. I think they cost around $3 per bottle. Check they also sell a different brand. I don't know if the one on eBay will work for you, but the one you show does not include the compressor. I looked at the listing and you'd still have to buy it. The cheapest one they offer is $45.00. Good Luck!

It is missing the compressor. That's the thing that pumps the air threw the airbrush. If you really don't want to invest, I'd also go with the Wilson spray food color in a can.
If you ever decide to get one I recommend Air Brush City dot com I love mine, it's great for just misting fondant with vodka to get rid of the cornstarch marks.

Hello; I am wanting to make a Darth Vader cake and spray it black; however, since I don't do fancy cakes often at all I don't want to invest in an expensive airbrush machine. Anybody have any alternative ideas?
Would this work?
Or is it missing pieces?
I'm a complete newb; sorry. Thanks!
That's only the brush, you'll still need a compressor.
I'm sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but the compressor in the garage is probably too powerful for cake decorating. I'm not trying to be negative. I admire that you're trying to save a buck. I made that mistake and I'd like to save you some cash.
You will need a compressor that can be set between 12psi and 24psi. Your brush (needle size) and what you're painting (buttercream or fondant) will determine the psi needed for the job.
I own that style of brush. It's only come out of the box in the last 2 years so I could look at it. If the cake is huge, then maybe it could be worth it. the amount of color you will need to get it to work right could be outrageous.
You didn't say if the cake is buttercream or fondant. If buttercream, make a dark chocolate buttercream, with flavoring and load up with black food coloring. If fondant, why not just color it black or buy black fondant? You could dust both to get depth. Duff's black fondant is supposed to taste great and a good black.
The big W's black spray has always come out ugly bruise for me. Don't know about the other spray.

Why dont you just buy the edible spray paint? Wilton makes them, they are called color mist. I think they cost around $3 per bottle. Check they also sell a different brand. I don't know if the one on eBay will work for you, but the one you show does not include the compressor. I looked at the listing and you'd still have to buy it. The cheapest one they offer is $45.00. Good Luck!
Thank you.
I couldn't remember who I bought my airbrush kit from. They are fabulous.

Thanks for all the suggestions! And for letting me know that there was a missing part or chances are I would have bought it and wasted my money... It's going to be a combo of buttercream and fondant so I think I'm going to go with the whole food coloring idea and black fondant. I would love to invest in an airbrush system if I thought I'd use it but I'm a poor college kid and probably wouldn't have time to do this a whole lot anywhere in the near future, unfortunately.

I just ordered this one from amazon. It's supposed to be here today! Can't wait to try it.

Michaels sells an airbrush kit that comes with the gun and an attached glass bottle where you put your food coloring. It doesnt come with an compressor but it can be attached to a can of compressed air that it also sold in the same area. I think with a coupon it comes to $30. Badger is the company that makes it. HTH
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