Grocery Store Decorators?

Decorating By mbdecorator Updated 3 Apr 2009 , 2:46am by mbdecorator

mbdecorator Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
mbdecorator Posted 2 Apr 2009 , 2:30am
post #1 of 8

I was just wondering how many of us there are here. We are so limited to what we can do at work, (BC only... no fondant gumpaste or RI) I would love to get new ideas from people that are limited and have to do 15-20 cakes an hr. I need fast ideas icon_rolleyes.gif

7 replies
twooten173 Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
twooten173 Posted 2 Apr 2009 , 2:39am
post #2 of 8

You do 15 - 20 cakes per hour?! OMG. I'm lucky to do one per hour!!!

KDiPietro Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
KDiPietro Posted 2 Apr 2009 , 2:47am
post #3 of 8

I just applied for a job as a cake decorator at my local grocery store. I have no formal experience but I've decorated cakes for years and I just started Course 3....any advice for a potential newby?

mbdecorator Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
mbdecorator Posted 2 Apr 2009 , 2:51am
post #4 of 8

Yes, but they come in already iced so I just have to put a border and decorate with flowers and such. We had 2 decorators but the other woman just left I don't want my cakes to all look the same. icon_redface.gif

makaylee Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
makaylee Posted 2 Apr 2009 , 2:59am
post #5 of 8

I work in a grocery store bakery as a cake decorator. I love this job.
we make all of our buttercream icing ourselves. the cakes come in frozen and we ice and decorate. the experience has been great.
i hope to soon be opening my own cake store as there is none in the area where i live. cake decorating is not just a job or a hobby. for me it is like a passion. i love baking and decorating. i would love to share ideas with everyone.

prterrell Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
prterrell Posted 2 Apr 2009 , 3:12am
post #6 of 8

I worked as a grocery store decorator for almost 2 years. Some days I miss it. Most I don't.

KDiPietro Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
KDiPietro Posted 3 Apr 2009 , 2:25am
post #7 of 8

I have been decorating on my own for quite a few years (cheesecakes mostly) but I finally decided to take the classes. If I could afford it, I would make as many cakes a week as time permits. I absolutely love to do it. I really appreciate all of the feedback. This website is fantastic for ideas, advice and it really promotes a vote of confidence. Thanks!!!

mbdecorator Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
mbdecorator Posted 3 Apr 2009 , 2:46am
post #8 of 8

makaylee I love my job too. I know a lot of people think if it comes from a grocery store it's not going to be very nice. We don't have as much time as when we do a cake at home and everything is so limited BC only that's why I am so addicted to this site. I would love ideas on cakes that could be done in under 5 min that aren't just roses, clowns or streamers icon_rolleyes.gif

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