Delivery In The City

Business By sweetcakes Updated 10 Feb 2009 , 2:31pm by indydebi

sweetcakes Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
sweetcakes Posted 10 Feb 2009 , 5:16am
post #1 of 4

any tips for delivering into city centers, where its one way and no parking, parking meters etc. Particularly down town Dallas. Just because we'd be delivery a cake doesn;t mean we can just pull up to the curb and leave the car there while we spend 30 mins setting up. Would you call the location first to see if they have a trades mans entrance? I hate driving in the city icon_sad.gif

3 replies
chutzpah Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
chutzpah Posted 10 Feb 2009 , 6:02am
post #2 of 4

I feel your pain.

I hate cake deliveries. Period. No matter where in this city, it always takes an hour and a half. My city is full of small streets and one-way streets and pedestrian streets with absolutely NO parking. We always have to be two people. DH drives and throws me out at the curb with cake and anything I need, then goes and tries to find parking. I deliver cake, set up, go through instructions with staff, come back out and call him to see where he's parked. Then I have to walk to wherever he is, or he has to come and get me.

Call the venue, they might have some spot in back for deliveries, etc.

leah_s Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
leah_s Posted 10 Feb 2009 , 12:10pm
post #3 of 4

I pretty much only deliver in the city. Well, mostly anyway. I don't think there's a venue in my town that doesn't have a loading dock, back entrance, etc. They all have to get supplies in. And here, you can put your flashers on and park at the door for a quick delivery.

indydebi Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
indydebi Posted 10 Feb 2009 , 2:31pm
post #4 of 4

I also hate downtown Indpls deliveries just because I'm not downtown much and I'm not familiar with the streets. And delivery to gov't buildings? They are the WORST since 9-11!!! No unattended vehicles can be close to the building which means I park 5 blocks away or I have to bring another person to stand with the van while I unload everything AND get someone from the gov't office who ordered the stuff to come down with carts to help move it all.

Other than gov't buildings, though, most places you can call ahead of time and ask "where can I park to deliver the cake?" Also a "Wedding Cake Delivery in Progress" sign on your back window gives you some leeway in parking in a no-parking zone for a few minutes. When I have to, I will unload everything into the reception room, tell the staff "I have to move my van .... I'll be right back to set it up."

Give me a good parking lot with a delivery area, complete with ramps and carts any day!!!

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