Do I Have To Use A Crusting Buttercream?

Decorating By just_for_fun Updated 20 Nov 2008 , 2:43pm by just_for_fun

just_for_fun Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
just_for_fun Posted 20 Nov 2008 , 3:51am
post #1 of 3

Do I have to use a crusting buttercream under fondant, or will a non-crusting be okay? It will be a one-tier cake, if that matters any. TIA!! icon_biggrin.gif

2 replies
leah_s Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
leah_s Posted 20 Nov 2008 , 4:06am
post #2 of 3

I only use non-crusting on everything.

just_for_fun Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
just_for_fun Posted 20 Nov 2008 , 2:43pm
post #3 of 3


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