Help! I Can't Find My Bride!!!!!! Update!!!!

Decorating By lynseyg2002 Updated 5 May 2008 , 7:41pm by lynseyg2002

lynseyg2002 Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
lynseyg2002 Posted 3 May 2008 , 3:37pm
post #1 of 8

Thanks to all concerned. I went out last night is a desperate last attempt to find my bride, and I've found her. It turns out that she HAD in fact changed her phone and lost my number, she had also been in a blind panic trying to find me. She now has her flowers, and took off to Mexico 12pm today. I wished her all the best and told her not to worry about her cake for the reception as I have all the details of the venue, date and time etc, so I am well prepared for that. Also, to thank me for going to the trouble of looking for her, she has invited myself and my family to the reception so that she can buy me a drink.

ps.Sorry I mean't to mention in my last post, her flowers are all silk so she should be ok with taking them abroad.

thanks all again, I am an amazingly happy person today icon_biggrin.gificon_biggrin.gificon_biggrin.gificon_biggrin.gif

7 replies
KASCARLETT Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
KASCARLETT Posted 3 May 2008 , 3:49pm
post #2 of 8

Oh, that is SUCH a relief and I can guarantee you that she will make sure all of her friends know what a wonderful person you are, so be prepared - you may be bombarded with orders!!

lynseyg2002 Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
lynseyg2002 Posted 3 May 2008 , 3:56pm
post #3 of 8

OMG, I never thought of that........ don't think I can handle the pressure anymore LOL, this is only my second wedding cake......says alot about me doesn't it icon_lol.gif

lepaz Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
lepaz Posted 3 May 2008 , 4:16pm
post #4 of 8

That was a really nice thing of you to do! You don't find alot of that kind of kindness in these times. Great job!

terrig007 Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
terrig007 Posted 3 May 2008 , 4:44pm
post #5 of 8

So glad you two found each other. I bet she was going crazy. You seem like a wonderful person to go to all that trouble. I also think you'll get orders from all her friends and family when they find out all you did for her. Glad the flowers worked out.

kellygray79 Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
kellygray79 Posted 5 May 2008 , 12:40am
post #6 of 8

I think you did a great thing. I can see it now as anyone comments on the beautiful cake she will tell the story of everything you went through to get her flowers to her. The client and everyone she tells will remember what you did and it definitely could mean lots more business, terrig007 is right. Word of mouth is sometimes underrated. GREAT JOB! So glad you found her.

vdrsolo Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
vdrsolo Posted 5 May 2008 , 12:41pm
post #7 of 8

I didn't read the original posting about this but I always get not only the home, work, and cell number of the bride...but also the groom, and the MOB, and definitely the person responsible for payment (usually its the bride or MOB). And of course, their email address!

I have had alot of brides change their phone number since they book months in advance, but I always have a number to get a hold of them!

lynseyg2002 Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
lynseyg2002 Posted 5 May 2008 , 7:41pm
post #8 of 8

At the time of booking the cake the couple had just moved house, so the only number I could get was her mobile, and as it is only my second ever wedding cake, I didn't give it a second thought to get other numbers...... I guess you learn by your mistakes, and I've certainly learned by mine. I do however now have other numbers for her mother etc, so that I can set up her cake for the reception. I am so excited for this one as these people as customers to me, I was recommended by someone else.
All of my other cake have been done for friends and family.

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