Easy Marshmellow Fondant In Recipe Section

Decorating By debdiva Updated 3 Feb 2007 , 3:32am by NewbeeBaker

debdiva Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
debdiva Posted 14 Dec 2006 , 7:03am
post #1 of 12

Hi fellow cake artists~

I have never worked with fondant before, and want to try it out. i had a cake recently with fondant and didn't much care for the taste. i noticed there is a recipe for easy mmf in the recipe section of this site.
Has anyone tried it out, and is there any tips you could impart on this humble cake maker?

Thanks oodles. . .


11 replies
JoAnnB Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
JoAnnB Posted 14 Dec 2006 , 7:10am
post #2 of 12

There are two variations of MMF, one made with marshmallow creme the other with melted marshmallows. Basically, the same.

When making MMF, do not add all the powdered sugar the recipe calls for. Initially, add about 1/2 to 3/4. Once you add the sugar, it will come together (mostly) in a sticky mass. Put some of the reserved sugar on a work surface and knead it until it is mostly together. Then clear the work surface and spread a bit of shortening on the surface, then knead the fondant until it is smooth and not sticky- you may need to sift on a bit more sugar, if the dough is still sticky.

If you use melted MM- beware, they are HOT.

superstar Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
superstar Posted 15 Dec 2006 , 1:02am
post #3 of 12

I get to a point when I use corn starch for kneading, it is less sticky.

conb Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
conb Posted 15 Dec 2006 , 1:10am
post #4 of 12

I also put shortening on my hands. My experience (which has only been once) has been to not allow the mmf to rest overnight it was more difficult to work with.

nglez09 Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
nglez09 Posted 15 Dec 2006 , 1:20am
post #5 of 12

Melt the MM's completely before using and mix in about 3/4 of the sugar that the recipe calls for. This will give it a runny dough-consistency, if that makes any sense whatsoever. Then keep adding sugar until the desired consistency is achieved. I usually use it as one would use flour when making bread, sprinkling it over the working surface generously. HTH. thumbs_up.gif

cryssi Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
cryssi Posted 15 Dec 2006 , 6:29am
post #6 of 12

I mix in 1/2 the sugar into the melted marshmallows with a spoon. I knead in as much more as I can with my hands, then turn it onto a sugared waxed paper and knead until smooth...kneading in as much of the remaining sugar to get the right consistency.

It helps if you first buy a wilton fondant to see what the proper consistency is (don't eat it...yuck!).

I love MMF, especially on cookies (NFSC) icon_smile.gif

good luck!

Zmama Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
Zmama Posted 15 Dec 2006 , 1:54pm
post #7 of 12

Try to make it a day ahead. This gives a better texture for me for flowers or figures. Used right away is better for covering, seems more forgiving.

You can roll on vinyl or a silpat, and don't have to worry about using any more ingredients to roll it out.

PistachioCranberry Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
PistachioCranberry Posted 3 Feb 2007 , 12:30am
post #8 of 12

How long does mmf last after making it...should if be kept in the fridge or on the counter is fune?

NewbeeBaker Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
NewbeeBaker Posted 3 Feb 2007 , 1:00am
post #9 of 12

I melt the MM and water/flavorings, stir until "soupy like". Then I add about 1/2 the bag of powdered sugar by stirring it into the MMs in the bowl. I always put crisco on the bowl and spoon to keep it from sticking. The after it has cooled, so I dont burn my hands, I put it on the counter and work in the rest of the powdered sugar I need to make it the right consistency....usually not the whole bag. Also when I am kneading in the sugar on the counter, I put crisco on the counter and my hands=) Works like a charm! All advice from CC members! Jen

CINDY1956 Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
CINDY1956 Posted 3 Feb 2007 , 3:02am
post #10 of 12

I also made the mmf tonight for the first time. I wish I had read this first, cause I added all the powdered sugar. I used marhmallow and melted them . I have worked with the Wilton fondant in class, so hopefully tommorrow when I go to work with this, it won't be yuck...I can say it does taste better that the other stuff...Also will this, when I add color become dull? If it does how can I do to make it shinier?
thanks cindy

CINDY1956 Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
CINDY1956 Posted 3 Feb 2007 , 3:13am
post #11 of 12

In class we were told to cover the fondant with plastic wrap, and also put a damp paper towel in the plastic bag with it, and keep it in the fridge
so do you do the same with mmf?

NewbeeBaker Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
NewbeeBaker Posted 3 Feb 2007 , 3:32am
post #12 of 12

I just put mine in zip-loc bag and then into an airtight container and leave it on the counter. I made a batch 2 weeks ago and it is still good=) Jen

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