I just won the bid on a castle cake pan on ebay. Shipping and all I got it for around $12.50. It has the inserts and it says it is brand new. I have never seen a castle cake done with one of these pans. Did I get a good deal, you think?
I'd say you did very well!
Don't forget to share a picture of the finished cake when you get around to using your new pan
If you don't have a Michael's nearby, you did........ Michael's carries it for $10.99. But if you're in the boonies, you pay a lot for gas to get it, so that's a pretty good price.
That pan is on my list to get....... I want the horseshoe, the mini ball pan, that castle pan, I'll think of more, I'm sure. I spend way too much money on pans.
P.S. Check the Wilton site. They have a really cute candle cake made with that pan.
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