Sketching Anyone?

Decorating By siealy Updated 11 May 2006 , 8:33pm by KHalstead

Cake_Princess Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
Cake_Princess Posted 10 Apr 2006 , 6:10am
post #31 of 41
Originally Posted by siealy

Just wondering if you all draw sketches of your cakes while you are still in the planning stage? Do you color them, etc? Are there ways to "cheat" at this if you aren't very talented at drawing? Thanks in advance.

I usually sketch all of my cake ideas before I set to work. This way I can play with various ideas and I can show them clients for approval. It's much easier for them to grasp the design. I go all out on sketches if it's a new idea I am toying with.

I will usually color them in but sometimes if all I have is a pen I make do with that. I save all of my sketches in my sketch portfolio.

Here is a simple sketch done in pen. Guess which one of my cakes it is (look in my album). And I do apologize for the quality of the picture. I forgot my digital cam and had to use a cheapy.

Aso for ways of cheating... Hmmm practice.

antonia74 Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
antonia74 Posted 25 Apr 2006 , 10:19pm
post #32 of 41

bumping this up! thumbs_up.gif

Doug Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
Doug Posted 25 Apr 2006 , 10:47pm
post #33 of 41
Originally Posted by stephanie214

By the way, haven't seen Doug for awhile, anybody know where he is?

drowning in all the end of term grading of papers!!!!

(someone icon_rolleyes.gif procrastinates on his grading icon_redface.gif and spends much too much time here instead)

I free hand sketch in pencil (as you all are well aware of), only rarely in color (usually just see that in the mind's eye).

sometimes I use MS Publisher or Paint to assemble design from clip art and such. (gotta learn Paint Shop Pro)

fearlessbaker Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
fearlessbaker Posted 25 Apr 2006 , 11:07pm
post #34 of 41

Oh My, Antonia, That was so unexpected that I am at a loss for words. Thank You so much.

sweetsuccess Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
sweetsuccess Posted 26 Apr 2006 , 2:01am
post #35 of 41

Great job Antonia74! I have to try designing this type of cake. I make a rough sketch of every cake, not just cakes for clients. It helps me to make sure the design is doable, that the design is in scale, that the lettering will fit on the cake etc. birthday.gifbirthday.gif

lastingmoments Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
lastingmoments Posted 26 Apr 2006 , 2:20am
post #36 of 41

sometimes i do but like someone else said my cakes never end up as i imagined i not bttter or worse just very differnt.....but it helps get the juices flowing and thats the main thing

adven68 Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
adven68 Posted 26 Apr 2006 , 2:41pm
post #37 of 41

If I don't sketch out my ideas, then I find myself staring at the cake trying to think of something to do. I usually have a lot of decorations on the cake which need advance planning, so research and sketches are a MUST for me. I use colored pencils, I make notes of where the ideas came from (websites, pages in books, etc...) .

On the sketch, I also note all the essentials about the client, phone #'s, flavors, prices....and I keep's like my cake scrapbook. I also put a photo of the finished product next to the sketch to compare afterwards.

This is the cake I am currently working is a modified Candyland cake......Since it is for a girl's 1st birthday, we opted to ditch the bright colors and go for a monochromatic pink and white look instead....I'll let you know how it turns out!

MissMoore Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
MissMoore Posted 28 Apr 2006 , 3:18pm
post #38 of 41

I sketch any ideas that ever pop into my head and keep for later. Then when I'm making a cake for a customer I always sketch it first and give a copy to the customer so that they will know what to expect.

mmdd Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
mmdd Posted 11 May 2006 , 8:23pm
post #39 of 41

Ok, I really want to know how each & everyone of you got the word sketch to be orange?

Did you each do it individually?

NEWTODECORATING Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
NEWTODECORATING Posted 11 May 2006 , 8:29pm
post #40 of 41

YOUR SO FUNNY MMDD!!! Did you get here through my link? I just did a search for helen to find the round cake sketch. I searched "sketches" and it highlighted that word in the thread!! LOL LOL

KHalstead Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
KHalstead Posted 11 May 2006 , 8:33pm
post #41 of 41

lol@ sketch being orange.....the first time I did that by accident I wondered how it happened too and on so many threads LOL

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