
Dscf000222.jpg on Cake Central

My practise christmas cake. First time using my cross pan. The cake is the trillium cake recipe off cc. The icing is true butter buttercream. My roses were kinda soft so they weren't the best. But I am pleased considering this was a last minute just because kinda cake. Any suggestions are welcome. I dusted it with pearl dusts but you can't see it well in the pic for some reason.

Comments (14)


Very pretty! I like how smoothly you got the sides of the cake. Great shade of blue. Your roses still look good regardless of what you think. And the dots are a nice touch. Nice even borders!


Very pretty! I like how smoothly you got the sides of the cake. Great shade of blue. Your roses still look good regardless of what you think. And the dots are a nice touch. Nice even borders!