This Will Shatter Those Preconceived Notions....

Lounge By JennT Updated 6 Apr 2006 , 2:43am by Peachshortcake

JennT Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
JennT Posted 18 Mar 2006 , 5:55am
post #1 of 83

....any of you might have of what the neighborhood baker-man looks like...and the doughnut baker as well!! Forget the Dunkin Donuts man..."Time to make the donuts" guy. This here is the new and improved baker! Wonder what oven they popped him out of!? lol icon_razz.gif

Oh Yeah...check out his cakes too...they're pretty nice! (no...not those kinds of 'cakes'...tsk, icon_lol.gif )

82 replies
sugartopped Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
sugartopped Posted 18 Mar 2006 , 6:28am
post #2 of 83

well, I checked and double checked....he's not on the menu!!! icon_sad.gif

I like how they did the 'description' of the Bakerman!!!!

he sure is um....Y-U-M-M-Y!!! He went straight into my of the list!!!

and his cakes are nice also!! icon_lol.gif

riagirl Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
riagirl Posted 18 Mar 2006 , 7:12am
post #3 of 83

LOL!! I love that it says "he's married" on the bottom of the photo. guess in this instance you can't have your cake and it too (am i allowed to say that or are we going to get kicked to the naught section??)

Mac Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
Mac Posted 18 Mar 2006 , 12:28pm
post #4 of 83

Almost a "naughty room" reply...but I have to agree. He has definitely been bookmarked! LOL!!!

adven68 Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
adven68 Posted 19 Mar 2006 , 12:25am
post #5 of 83

The "he's married" made me laugh out loud. His wife must revel in it..

MelC Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
MelC Posted 19 Mar 2006 , 12:34am
post #6 of 83


Zamode Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
Zamode Posted 19 Mar 2006 , 2:27am
post #7 of 83

Oh my icon_eek.gif A Southern sweet! thumbs_up.gif

JennT Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
JennT Posted 19 Mar 2006 , 6:26pm
post #8 of 83

Isn't he dreamy?! lol He looks more like a model rather than the bakerman! lol icon_lol.gif I agree that his wife must be very satisfied with that comment being at the bottom under the picture...hehehe...I would be too, if I were her! lol icon_lol.gificon_razz.gif

tastycakes Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
tastycakes Posted 20 Mar 2006 , 5:42am
post #9 of 83

I'd love a game of patty-cake with him. MMMMMMM. Right into my favorites!

Mac Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
Mac Posted 20 Mar 2006 , 5:45am
post #10 of 83

Hey Stephanie214--

Isn't this getting close to some naughty room time???

Try as I might, sometimes I have a difficult time behaving!!!

tastycakes Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
tastycakes Posted 20 Mar 2006 , 5:53am
post #11 of 83

If I were his wife, I think he's have to just NOT have his picture up there at all!

antonia74 Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
antonia74 Posted 20 Mar 2006 , 8:48am
post #12 of 83

hubba hubba!!! My cake AND my shopping!!

Mac Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
Mac Posted 20 Mar 2006 , 1:47pm
post #13 of 83

his pic may bring in more business...I know I would shop there. Heck, I would even order a wedding cake for multiple "consultations".

texa Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
texa Posted 20 Mar 2006 , 3:34pm
post #14 of 83

Under the guise of adding pleaure to, well, more pleasure... icon_biggrin.gif... it wouldn't be too far out of the way to drop by and taste-test the goods (and I AM talking about the doughnuts!!!) for anyone planning to attend the Capital Confectioners workshop at the Texas Culinary Academy, April 1-2. (Details are in the Events section of the forums.)

OK, I am definitely embarrassing myself here and not behaving like the old married lady that I am! icon_redface.gif But, dang, that bakerman IS cute! icon_wink.gif

JennT Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
JennT Posted 20 Mar 2006 , 4:58pm
post #15 of 83

Ok...Please don't think I'm a bad Mom, BUT....

I was doing 'Pattycake' with my little girl, 18 mos, this morning...and guess what popped into my head??!! lol icon_razz.gif I'm serious!! Right when I said 'baker - man'...BAM...there he was!! HA! What have I done to myself??!! lol icon_rolleyes.gif I don't think I'll ever view baking the same way I used to...OR nursery rhymes!!! icon_surprised.gificon_lol.gif He puts a whole new meaning to the phrase...'Time to make the doughnuts'...'huh??!! icon_razz.gif

Mac Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
Mac Posted 20 Mar 2006 , 6:34pm
post #16 of 83

oh my gosh--I was so drooling over the Bakersman photo, I didn't even realize he was in Texas. Hmm--I have made runs to Dallas for lesser things. Maybe I can find a continuing ed course in Austin, and stop by to have breakfast on the Bakerman!!!

I do mean his goodies...sample his wares...taste his doughnuts!!!

Oh, I give up, everything sounds sooooo...bad!!! LOL!!!

texa Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
texa Posted 20 Mar 2006 , 9:16pm
post #17 of 83

I'd go with you, Mac!!! I can't stop laughing, though, at the thought of this handsome young man glancing at the old(er) woman in his shop who keeps staring at him (ME!). "What's the deal with that woman? Did I accidently blob raspberry filling on top of my head? WHY IS SHE STARING AT ME?" icon_confused.gif

Ahhh, to be 30 years younger. icon_cry.gifthumbs_up.gif

antonia74 Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
antonia74 Posted 20 Mar 2006 , 10:23pm
post #18 of 83

I just made him my screensaver for the week. Dreamy yum yum!! icon_wink.gif

Mac Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
Mac Posted 21 Mar 2006 , 12:29am
post #19 of 83


He'd be wondering about both of us!!! Don't know if I really want to be 20 again but to look like I was 20 would be wonderful.

Dale Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
Dale Posted 21 Mar 2006 , 3:36am
post #20 of 83

Jeeeez...what am I...chopped liver? Just cover him in cool whip and eat him with a spoon why dontcha? You all are about to over heat my computer with all the hot flashes that are emanating from this post. Bet Mac's puter is hard to read with all the lip prints on the screen. All fogged up. Now I know women think about sex as much as I do...Im surprised...and over joyed as well. Somebody post a hot woman baker...equality...where's the equality? The humanity of it all....the humanity.
Ohh...Mac, you forgot the best one..."Lick the glaze off his donuts." My wife said that...hey wait a minute...what the hell?

Mac Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
Mac Posted 21 Mar 2006 , 5:33am
post #21 of 83

To Dale's wife--


tastycakes Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
tastycakes Posted 25 Mar 2006 , 7:13am
post #22 of 83

Dale, you're too much! Maybe we'd reconsider you if your avatar really did an interesting trick! Whatcha got?icon_smile.gif

Dale Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
Dale Posted 26 Mar 2006 , 3:12am
post #23 of 83

It does do a trick, something very cool as a matter of fact. Every 10 minutes it cycles but you cant navigate away from the page otherwise it restarts the time. Well worth the wait though. Watch for it and let me know what you think.

Hey...wait a minute...your not really talking about my avatar are ya? I am blond, sometimes it takes me a bit.

lotsoftots Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
lotsoftots Posted 26 Mar 2006 , 4:00am
post #24 of 83

He's cute, I'll give you that much. But who dressed that boy? He needs a makeover!

bonnscakesAZ Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
bonnscakesAZ Posted 26 Mar 2006 , 4:49am
post #25 of 83

soo funny!

Mac Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
Mac Posted 26 Mar 2006 , 1:43pm
post #26 of 83

Let me dress him!!! LOL!

monstersmom Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
monstersmom Posted 26 Mar 2006 , 10:56pm
post #27 of 83

Holy Moly, what more could a girl ask for? He bakes and is HOT!!!
I wonder if he lets you sample his muffins for freshness? icon_twisted.gif

Dale Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
Dale Posted 27 Mar 2006 , 6:42am
post #28 of 83

You aint thinking about putting clothes on him Mac...who are you trying to fool, down girl, down!!! Ohhh...I agree, dresses sorta like he's got sugar in his pants.

Mac Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
Mac Posted 27 Mar 2006 , 1:19pm
post #29 of 83

Ain't even going there on that remark Dale!!! LOL!

NEWTODECORATING Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
NEWTODECORATING Posted 27 Mar 2006 , 3:48pm
post #30 of 83

Mac - Ya need a job? Did you notice that he is hiring? Currently accepting applications for general kitchen help. Does general kitchen help include any of the above??

Oh Dale, I guess I never thought of you married, Your poor wife!! Glad to see she has a sense of humor as well. Well, she would have to wouldn't she!

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