Friday Faves: Cupcakes, Gingerbread and a Pug

Pink sugar roses and cute gumpaste kittens; vintage tea parties and warm scents from the kitchen; three-layer cakes covered in buttercream: these are a few of our favorite things!

As editors of Cake Central magazine, we come across so many awesome, inspiring things while working. From users to cake creations to wedding inspiration to cool new products, we want to share a few of our favorite finds with you every week.

Here are this week’s Friday faves:

Jackie’s Faves

This pug dog cake by geomaxa is absolutely adorable, and so lifelike!

Justine’s Faves

These sweet cupcakes by SugarRuffles are simply gorgeous! Every detail contributes to their delicate beauty.

WithLoveandConfection’s gingerbread sleigh is an inventive and fun way to play with gingerbread! How perfect for holding all those holiday cookies.

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