Rilakkuma Zombie

Rilakkuma Zombie on Cake Central

My friend wanted me to make a zombie themed cake for her 30th birthday. She loves the Japanese culture, and is fond of a Japanese teddy bear called 'Rilakkuma'. Hence the teddy bear zombie cake! He's made of caramel and coffee mudcake with dark chocolate ganache. The ears, legs, arms and tail are made of RKT. The brain cupcakes are vanilla, filled with raspberry/lemon curd and topped with raspberry IMBC.

The armature inside the cake was my first go at something like this, exciting! I initially started buying plumbing pieces, but they were too big, we can't get small ones here in NZ. Then luckily Mike McCarey released his Craftsy tutorial, just in time, woohoo!! Which I haven't watched fully yet due to lack of time, but I went to the bits about armature and watched those to give me ideas. Yay for Mike McCarey!! His car DVD is totally worth buying too, the man's amazing.

The whole exercise was expensive, but so much fun. Especially as my lovely friend Nina came over for the last two nights and was my cake slave to help me get to bed before sun-up :) And we had so much fun doing little bite marks on his arms, ears, butt etc. Oh, and we got to use our blow-torches at last!!

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