"backwards Birthday" Cake

"backwards Birthday" Cake on Cake Central

Made for my friend who was having a "backwards birthday" party. All gifts given were donated to a charity, the kids all wore their clothes backwards and all kinds of backwards stuff!

My husband made the stand the cake is sitting on. I wanted the center post to blend in with the candles, so we made it from a dowl the same diameter. Was VERY unstable, even though only the middle 10" layer is cake (others are dummies). Barely made it to the party, but the kids LOVED it.

Comments (52)


Too great!!! Makes me wanna try one for my kids' party in a couple of weeks...it's at home so no transporting! I might have a panic attack if I had to transport this!


Thanks for all the kind comments! It really wasn't too difficult to make, and I wasn't worried about transporting it until my husband came home and picked it up. That's when I realized just how unstable it was! Thankfully we only had to go about 10 minutes. But my hands sure cramped by the time we got there from holding on to it so tightly!


Too great!!! Makes me wanna try one for my kids' party in a couple of weeks...it's at home so no transporting! I might have a panic attack if I had to transport this!


Thanks for all the kind comments! It really wasn't too difficult to make, and I wasn't worried about transporting it until my husband came home and picked it up. That's when I realized just how unstable it was! Thankfully we only had to go about 10 minutes. But my hands sure cramped by the time we got there from holding on to it so tightly!