Transformation - Between Minds - Unsa 2017- World Mental Health Day
This was the work I did for the annual Mental Health collaboration, organized by UNSA e pela Zawadi Parizek Parizek- Between Minds – UNSA 2017. The name of my piece is Transformation My work was inspired by an advertising campaign that Healthyplace.com site did to combat the stigma against mental illness. They chose one of Norman Duenas’s illustrations and a text by the writer William C. Hunnan. Mental illnesses affect the functioning of the brain. They can affect behavior, thoughts, emotions, and the ability to understand informations. Mental illnesses make normal life difficult, they are very hard diseases and can last a lifetime, so I represented the painting of Norman Duenas on a rock. I know this transformation is painful, but you’re not falling apart, you’re just falling into something different, with a new capacity to be beautiful.- William C. Hannan

Sleeping Beauty Castle Cake
This Castle cake was inspired by the sleeping beauty castle. I made this cake for competition in Portugal at the end of last year! I won 1st Place in “Birthday Cake” category at Cake Fest Exponor, October 2015 -Portugal. I used a 35" board to give you an idea of size. It was weeks of work but I enjoyed every minute making this castle!

Geometric Wedding Cake
I made this cake for competition in Portugal at the end of last year! I won 1st Place in “Bridal Cake” category at Cake Fest Exponor, October 2015 Portugal. I made all the sugar flowers (235 flowers) and hand painted lace pattern! Most everyone at the show thought it was a stencil, even the judges! Could hardly move my hand! A hand painted couple share their first kiss as husband and wife in your wedding day. Swans represent the eternal love! Swans inspired by the original design Radial Swan Design by Artist Sara Pietsch.

Old Memories
This cake was made for a 42th wedding anniversary. A four tier cake with sugar frames, hand painted lace, ruffles, hand painted jewels, sugar roses and hydrangeas. Lower level- photos when they were younger’s. Middle level- photo when they were dating. Higher level- photo from wedding day. I made the photo frame with gumpaste and edible images, painted with metallic colours to give it a aged look.