An Easy Way To Get Uniform Cookies Without A Kopykake.
This is an option if you don't have a kopykake. I trace the image with a food safe marker on acetate. You can use a little icing as glue to help the small details stick. They are covered up when you decorate the cookie. For more help with detail, you can trim the hat or wings and trace with your marker. I used an edible spray, but you can also trace the image if you want a different base color or stencil design ;o)
I Made This Cutter And I Am Having So Much Un With The Designs These Two Cookies Are The Same But I Piped The Black Shirt To Look Narrow A
I made this cutter and I am having so much un with the designs. These two cookies are the same, but I piped the black shirt to look narrow and the sweater to look puffy. The collar is also the same, but a totally different look. It's subtle and you cn't really see the extra cookie unless you look for it. Just some fun ideas.;o)