
Tiara (Crown) Cupcake Template
I can't remember who first posted this, and I don't see an easy way to find it. Thanks so much to the other Cake Central user for this template! I print it out and tape it to a flower former (convex side up) to get the curve, then tape a piece of parchment paper over it. Pipe it in gray/gold royal icing and include pearls. Dry dust or paint with silver/gold luster dust to get metallic finish. Hope this helps!

Classic Pooh Hunny Pot Cake Pops
Excited at how these turned out! I first shaped the bottom of the pot in cake pop dough and attached to the stick, then dipped it in terra cotta-colored melts and inverted it on top of a disc-shaped chocolate wafer to form the lip. After cooling, I dipped just over the lip in terra cotta and cooled inverted. Black food coloring marker for lines, "Hunny" label is fondant, followed by honey-colored (yellow + 1/2 bittersweet wafer) on top (tapped the stick on the table to encourage natural drip patterns).

Minion Cake Pops In Hot Pink For An Interior Design Firm To Bundle And Hand Out To Clients This Halloween Based On The Tutorial By Bakerell
Minion cake pops in hot pink for an interior design firm to bundle and hand out to clients this Halloween! Based on the tutorial by Bakerella with a few changes, e.g. black fondant instead of licorice for the goggle headband. The cake pop dough was tinted pink too.