Cake Decorator Bhrngari


Bhrngari's Cake Photos view more

  • Geological Engineering Graduation Cake Graduation cake for a young lady graduating from MS&T with her geological engineering degree. Yellow cake with Ghiradelli chocolate...
  • Fishin' Elvis This is a gum paste topper I made for a brother and sister birthday cake. The sister loves everything Elvis and the brother loves to fish...
  • Fishin' Elvis This was a cake topper I designed for a brother and sister birthday cake. The sister loved all things Elvis, and the brother loves to fish...
  • Medieval Anvil Lemon cake with butter cream icing covered in fondant. Tools on top are fondant also. Grooms cake for a gentleman who is a blacksmith in a...
  • Baby Shower Cake Marble cake, covered in butter cream and fondant. Baby is fondant, blocks and rattle are purchased.
  • Baby Shower Cake Marble cake, covered in butter cream and fondant. Baby is fondant, blocks and rattle are purchased.
  • You Hold The Key To My Heart Sugar cookie with royal icing. Inspired by Montreal Creations.
  • Mad Hatter Cake Marble cake covered in buttercream and fondant. Real peacock feather. We had a humid week, the brim would NOT dry so we propped it with...
  • Cheshire Cat Cheshire Cat is zebra striped marble/pound cake (tinted blue) covered in buttercream with fondant accents. Tail is cake pop mixture. For a...
  • Racoon And Frog Cake Racoon is yellow/pound cake with cake pop tail covered in buttercream. Wish I could give credit for inspiration, but there was no name with...

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