Cake Decorator sonja73


sonja73's Cake Photos view more

  • Dummy Cake, Not For Eating Ages ago since I made a cake and decorated it with fondant. Someone talked me into making a dummy, so time wouldn't stress me out.
  • Never Enough Pink... .... on a castle cake for a four year old girl!
  • Cute Autumn Hedgehog A cute Autumn hedgehog cake.
  • I Think I'll Name Here Grumphy... DogcakeInspiration came from an image from Chris Ryniak
  • Tied Up... ...face
  • Snowman girly snowman for a little two year old
  • Skylanders Spyro - Skylander cake for an eight year old boy.I just love making boys-cakes!
  • Penelope Music Box Never heard of the blue koala bear... luckily google knew ;)A Penelope music box for a little two year old girl.
  • Shark Cake 3D Made after a 'morning scribble' from Chris Ryniak. Changed a bit because of the construction inside.Loooooved making this one! I...
  • Sneaker Cake Loved making this cake! Couldn't stop adding details :)
  • Succulentcake I couldn't decide what to get my neighbor... a plant or a cake... so I made a plant-cake ;)
  • Practicing Faces... .... because I do not have a mold ;)
  • Princesscake... ...with a little frog who is waiting for his kisses!

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