Cake Decorator xkfayex


xkfayex's Cake Photos view more

  • Ugly Bug Ball Cookies these bugs are far from ugly, but i couldn't resist going crazy with these cute little bugs :)
  • Piano Cake for a bohemian loving 15 year old.
  • Rocket Ship Cake Pop
  • Out Of This World Cake rocket made of rice krispy treats
  • Toy Story Cake this cake was some what of a pain.. it was hard to do figures on such a small cake.. but i loved Woody and Hamm... Buzz's head looked...
  • Wedding Cake And Cake Pops my very first wedding cake, but the big star was the 250 cake pops that were the talk of the entire wedding.. no one could wait to get one...
  • Racetrack 2 was asked to replicate a cakejournal cake that someone had found on flickr.. hope i did the design justice.. thank you cakejournal!!
  • Sports Theme Cake And Cake Pops
  • Sesame Street Party Set
  • Under The Sea Cake
  • Lorelei Bear Cake the bear is definitely credited to elise 87.. she did an amazing job, i couldnt find better inspiration!! hope i did her bear justice!
  • Mod Owl Cake
  • Cutsie Cake Pops made to replicate fabric used in a little girls dress.

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