tbireta's Cake Central Gallery

Fish Bowl

Fish Bowl

I made this fish bowl cake for my daughter's 3rd birthday. Adding a description of how I made it: I made 2 round cakes - you don't need to cut them make them flat because the slightly raised center makes it look more like a real 3D fishbowl. You put the 2 layers together (with the 2 non-flat ends pointing out) and cut off a piece from the bottom and the top so that it stands up and has a flat "top". If you put icing between the layers to glue them together (and a little on the bottom), it's very sturdy and won't fall over. I actually had to really push it to knock it over when we were ready to cut it (I started by cutting it standing up, but it didn't work as well as I thought it would!). You don't have to get the blue icing very smooth - the ripples just look like waves. And don't worry if you get little finger dings or messy spots - just stick a fish there! The plants are "gogurts" (they're like fruit by the foot, which are similar to fruit roll ups). The only problem was that they were striped. I spent awhile cutting out the stripes (I won't admit to how long this took me). Then I cut them and twisted them and such to get the plants to look the way I wanted. It was actually quite a challenge due to the crazy stickiness of those things! The bubbles from the fish's mouths are white Nerds, and the rocks are pink and orange nerds. The fish are multicolored goldfish (I actually used a regular marker to makes eyes because I didn't have anything else handy, so you couldn't eat them). A little fish on a toothpick on top looks like it's jumping out. My daughters loved it!

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