Cake Decorator devilzsoup


devilzsoup's Cake Photos view more

  • Tiffany's Cake Cake I made for my Tiffany's themed party! Turned out pretty good in the end and I even found a good use for my favourite thing -...
  • Classic Victoria Sponge With Strawberries! Hope I picked the right category here! (whoops!) I made this during summer but thought I'd post it because it's one of my...
  • Princess Jasmine Pillow Cake My first attempt at a pillow cake for my friend's 18th! I'm afraid the princess jasmine figure didn't work out so well but...
  • Topsy Turvy Cake Made this today for my friend's 21st (i seem to have a LOT of friends with birthdays in november!! hehe) and it's my first...
  • Homer Simpson Donut Cake I made this for my housemate's 21st - she loves the Simpsons and it took me a while to think of how to do it! It's a victoria...
  • Butterfly Cake My first attempt at a cake for my friend Sian's 18th! She's quite a girly girl so I thought butterflies would suit her and I...

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