Cake Decorator NanaFixIt


NanaFixIt's Cake Photos view more

  • Hawaiian Cake 50th birthday cake for a Hawaiian themed party. Birthday 'boy' loves to fish and hunt, so I spent weeks making all of the figures...
  • 70Th Birthday Made for mom's 70th birthday. 1st try at gumpaste flowers and Aine2's figures - she is SO fabulous for sharing her art through...
  • 1St Cake Topper Thanks so much to Aine2 for her inspiration and tutorials - she is amazing! Made this for my mom's 70th birthday cake.
  • Momma's Flowers Made for my mom in her 'signature color' - Pink! Got tons of practice making those RI flowers, for sure.
  • Shrek For The A's Joint b-day cake for my 2 oldest g-kids (who were obsessed with Shrek). It was made into 2 cakes so that the figures could be transferred...
  • Craftsman Toolbox 1st cake I made after classes - and 1st sculpted cake ever. I definitely bit off more than I was ready for, but my partner loved
  • Brit's Graduation For niece's graduation...she insisted that her b/f be included on the cake. Tried my best to incorporate both of their interests into...
  • Final Class Cake Spent hours making those flowers! Found I'm good at some - terrible at others! You can look at the pic and figure out which flowers...
  • 1St Class Cake Classic Wilton class clown cake. Had to make it twice b/c instructor got sick and postponed the class for a week!
  • Austin Turns 1 I had a complete design drawn out and hauled all my stuff out to MD to construct it. Got there and found out that the decorations that I...

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