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This is my first heart shaped wedding cake. My wonderful Mother helped me with the flowers. It is just a white cake with buttercream icing. I really love the heart shape.
This is my first attempt at the rubber duckie cake. Thanks to all on this site that are of great inspiration to me. Chocolate cake with chocolate bc icing. Suds are also bc. Duckies are plastic.
Graduation cake I made for my daughter, who by the way, is Valedictorian of her class.
This is a cake I did for First Communion
Picture of a tuxedo shirt I did for my Daughters 2007 Prom
Birthday cake for my brother's 40th birthday
I made this cake for my friend's 7 yr old daughter birthday. It is not the best in the world, but I was fairly pleased with the final result
Stained glass chocolate cross with buttercream icing
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