Cake Decorator Ninabeth19


Ninabeth19's Cake Photos view more

  • Cake Balls Cake balls made for my husband's fellow Coaches. Decorated in the school colors.
  • Usmc Cake Cake I made for my dad. White chocolate transfer... my VERY FIRST one. I hurried the blue chocolate and it shows... not too bad for my...
  • Cupcakes These are some cupcakes I made for a lake trip. Buttercream frosting with fondant decorations and shimmer dust in the middle.
  • Wedding/graduation Cake This is for our student worker. She was graduating and getting married both this summer and we wanted to celebrate both. It is a book...
  • Blue Blob Pool Cake My 10 year old sister in law helped me make this for her birthday party. Each girl who went to the party is also in the pool. Cake is...

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