Thanksgiving Cupcakes

I made 6 of each cupcake except for the cherry and lemon pies (only made 2 of each of those) for our church potluck.

All of the cupcakes were made from a vanilla cake mix. 1. Chocolate icing with a pilgrim hat sign 2. Blueberry Pie made with real blueberries 3. Cherry Pie made with red skittles 4. Lemon Pie made with yellow skittles 5. Peas & Carrots made with green skittles and orange starbursts 6. Pumpkin Patch made with pumpkin candies and leaf sprinkles 7. White icing topped with strawberry that has a chocolate star on top 8. Mashed Potatoes & Gravy made with white icing, yellow starburst for butter pat, and caramel sauce for the gravy.

Thanks for all the inspiration on CC. I made these after looking at ALOT of pictures here!


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