How Should I Store Creme Bouquet?

Baking By Shepisces Updated 18 Feb 2023 , 8:07pm by MBalaska

Shepisces Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
Shepisces Posted 6 Jul 2022 , 3:01pm
post #1 of 7

    I just received my very first purchase of Creme Bouquet! It's a huge 32ounce plastic bottle. I can't wait to use a little in all my baking goodies! 

  But what's the best way to store a 32 oz bottle of Creme Bouquet? Please help. Thank you kindly.

6 replies
SandraSmiley Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
SandraSmiley Posted 9 Jul 2022 , 5:29pm
post #2 of 7

I keep it in my kitchen cabinet with the rest of my flavorings.

MamaGeese Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
MamaGeese Posted 20 Jan 2023 , 9:51pm
post #3 of 7

Sandra do you like Creme bouquet? I bought my first bottle and haven't used it yet. Would you use same amount that you would vanilla?

-K8memphis Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
-K8memphis Posted 24 Jan 2023 , 12:54am
post #4 of 7

myself, I would use it sparingly and carefully to taste — when I did cakes I used a lot of vanilla so for me that’s not a good comparison — 

if I used  it today I would use half the amount of vanilla that the recipe calls for - but I’m sure other cakers need to chime in ~

SandraSmiley Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
SandraSmiley Posted 24 Jan 2023 , 4:23pm
post #5 of 7

MamaGeese, I didn't find it to be anything special, honestly. I prefer a combiination of vanilla, almond, and lemon.

jchuck Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
jchuck Posted 25 Jan 2023 , 12:13am
post #6 of 7

Posted a reply a few days ago. Obviously post didn’t go through. I love creme bouquet. I don’t buy it, I make my own. That way I can adjust and add a little more of one flavour than another.

MBalaska Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
MBalaska Posted 18 Feb 2023 , 8:07pm
post #7 of 7

Quote by @SandraSmiley on 24 Jan 2023 , 11:23am

MamaGeese, I didn't find it to be anything special, honestly. I prefer a combination of vanilla, almond, and lemon.

Same here.  Vanilla, almond, and lemon. 

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