Trouble Uploading Photos

Business By Littlecakeoven Updated 7 Feb 2022 , 9:52pm by -K8memphis

Littlecakeoven Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
Littlecakeoven Posted 7 Feb 2022 , 11:43am
post #1 of 2

Just wanted to know if anyone else is having issues uploading photos. This seems to be a problem for me, for the last 4 months or so...not sure if its down to my location, in the UK not the states? I have tried multiple file types and resolutions just incase the size is too large, however they are just photos taken on my phone. i have tried linking through my social sites as well and the error is the same....."can't upload" any ideas would be appreciated. I have messaged support over the last month or so and not heard anything back. Really appreciate any ideas.

1 reply
-K8memphis Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
-K8memphis Posted 7 Feb 2022 , 9:52pm
post #2 of 2

yes the ability to upload pictures has been broken for some time — and is possibly permanent — one can hope but our site has been pummeled relentlessly with dedicated spammers for years — and I guess the damage is final —

you (your avatar) looks a lot like my daughter! and I like your screen name too —

if it doesn’t let you reply, just start a new thread —

best to you

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