Edible Inks From Italy

Business By DesireeMalan Updated 17 Sep 2018 , 4:34am by maybenot

DesireeMalan Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
DesireeMalan Posted 16 Sep 2018 , 3:12pm
post #1 of 2

Hi, I will be going to Italy in October and would like to buy edible inks manufactured in Italy as I've read that they're really good quality.  I've searched high and low for a supplier on internet, but cannot find any.  I'd appreciate hearing from someone in Italy or someone who actually knows the name of a company in Italy manufacturing edible inks.   Thanks.

1 reply
maybenot Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
maybenot Posted 17 Sep 2018 , 4:34am
post #2 of 2

I don't know the name of the company, but I will provide a warning:  If you are in the US, MANY products made in other countries DO NOT conform with FDA requirements. 

Edible in Italy may not equal edible in the US.  Europe uses E-numbers to identify ingredients and there are many that are either not approved at all, and several are outright banned. 

If using these products, it's probably fine to put them on decorations that you are SURE won't be eaten, or that WON'T touch what will be eaten [put a barrier in place where necessary]. 

If someone say, "Oh, have the client sign off/approve it, and/or just tell the client/caterer/server to cut off whatever has the product on it.", tell that person that they don't understand the basic rules of providing food for others.  A food producer cannot use an unapproved/banned product and then try to foist the liability for that action onto someone else.

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