Pillow Cake

Baking By sweet_cravings Updated 8 Apr 2018 , 8:07pm by -K8memphis

sweet_cravings Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
sweet_cravings Posted 7 Apr 2018 , 11:57pm
post #1 of 6


Pillow cake questions 

1) Need  25 servings so which size?

2) Do you put filling only between 2 halves of pillows or each half divided again to half again to fill filling (which will be 3 fillings in total 1 pillow complete cake)

3) Do you put heating core in all pans or only biggest pillow pan?


5 replies
jmt1714 Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
jmt1714 Posted 8 Apr 2018 , 2:29pm
post #2 of 6

What do you mean by “pillow pan? i think most people carve a pillow cake.

for 25 servings you need to decide if you are doing a larger flatter pillow or a smaller higher one. that would help you decide what pan sizes you need to start with.

If this is a cake you are selling, there are other considerations . But the same thought process might help you think about how you need to bake for a cake you do for a friend  

Carved cakes typically are a higher cost per serving because of the “cake waste” involved. 

If a customer wants a cake to feed 30 people, you could easily accommodate that with a 10” square cake. If your normal price per serving is $4, that’s easy to see that it is $120 

If the customer wants 30 servings shaped as a pillow, you have to start with more cake to get it there. So maybe it is a “cake and a half” to get the look he or she wants. You would need to charge 50% more just to account for the extra cake you have to make. Plus there is additional labor in carving, covering, etc. I think that would likely move a price point in this example to $6-$7 per serving. So more like $180-210 total. 

Or the customer (or friend) orders a smaller smaller cake and deals with cutting whatever serving sizes he or she wants. 

You need to charge for what you have to bake to get to the final product, not just he servings in the finished cake. 

gscout73 Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
gscout73 Posted 8 Apr 2018 , 7:07pm
post #3 of 6

Quote by @jmt1714 on 4 hours ago

What do you mean by “pillow pan? i think most people carve a pillow cake.

"Pillow Pan"


gscout73 Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
gscout73 Posted 8 Apr 2018 , 7:10pm
post #4 of 6

sweet_cravings, I would put a flower nail in the bottom of the mid size and 2 in the large, maybe even 3 or a core. My prob with "cores" is they create such a large hole. I might even use the "core" rod from the Wonder mold pan  in the largest.

jmt1714 Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
jmt1714 Posted 8 Apr 2018 , 8:06pm
post #5 of 6

Interesting. They really do make a pan for everything I guess. I don’t understand how poeple store so many!!

I would still just use a regular square pan and carve it. Easier to bake, shape, and control, i think. 

-K8memphis Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
-K8memphis Posted 8 Apr 2018 , 8:07pm
post #6 of 6

yeah you can split the layers and add more filling -- be sure to make a dam of buttercream around the edges to hold that all in of course -- or you can do the one layer of filling -- either way 

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