Friday Night Cake Club For 10/27/17

Decorating By catlharper Updated 4 Nov 2017 , 7:33am by GIGGLEBOX2014

catlharper Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
catlharper Posted 28 Oct 2017 , 2:28am
post #1 of 23

Opening up another session of the FNCC! Everyone is welcome to share their week, photos of their work, ask for help if needed or provide help if they can!


22 replies
catlharper Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
catlharper Posted 28 Oct 2017 , 2:32am
post #2 of 23

Hi everyone!

Well, my week did NOT go as planned. In Monterey (Central Coast of California in the USA) our high this time of year is usually about 68 degrees F. Not so this week where we hit over 100 degrees instead! Our homes are not meant for this type of weather so even with fans going and windows all open it was still 90 degrees inside the house...just too hot to cake. So...since I was the "client" this week, we decided to go with an ice cream bar for my birthday instead. 4 types of ice cream helped dull the disappointment of not being able to make my octopus cake but everyone enjoyed that and watching baseball after a yummy BBq dinner. 

It's finally starting to cool off a bit...only 85 today so getting back to normal in time for Halloween.

Hope your week was great and I hope to see lots of cakes this week!


Marian64 Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
Marian64 Posted 28 Oct 2017 , 3:01am
post #3 of 23

Happy Birthday!!! I guess I will not complain about the weather being in the 80’s this week and there is a cold front coming. A ice cream party sounds great. I have baked way too many cakes in that kind of weather and it isn’t fun. 

I am up baking tonight for my niece and if it doesn’t turn out to be a disaster I will post pictures on Sunday. 

Looking forward to seeing what everyone else is making.

catlharper Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
catlharper Posted 28 Oct 2017 , 3:06pm
post #4 of 23

Marian64  LOL...I only wish it had been the 80's and am seriously enjoying the cold front comin' our way. In fact, this morning it's so foggy it's pea soup! And yes, the party was fun...half the group was able to be outside (we have lots of patio furniture and strung up Christmas lights) because it wasn't too cold when the sun went down and half of the group was inside yelling at the World Series. I'm a huge baseball fan and I can't count how any Series games have been playing at my parties/dinners over the years! LOL! 

What are you making for your niece? If it's in the 80's it may be a huge challenge for you! I wish you ALL the luck!

I'm off to the Museum dressed to resemble Lydia Deets from Beetleguise. Oh, but first I get to drop off an art piece for an exhibition...yup, in full costume! Way to look LOL!

Have a great weekend!


Carla83 Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
Carla83 Posted 28 Oct 2017 , 6:16pm
post #5 of 23

Happy Birthday Cat!

here is my order for this weekend for a fall themed baby shower and a couple of cookie bouquets I threw together to see if there was any interest.  Friday Night Cake Club For 10/27/17Friday Night Cake Club For 10/27/17Friday Night Cake Club For 10/27/17

mrsroy44 Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
mrsroy44 Posted 28 Oct 2017 , 11:07pm
post #6 of 23

Friday Night Cake Club For 10/27/17

catlharper Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
catlharper Posted 29 Oct 2017 , 2:15am
post #7 of 23

Carla83 Thank you! And wow!! Those cookies! And the upside down cupcakes defy gravity! ;) They are really gorgeous! Wish I lived near you!

mrsroy44  I mean this in the MOST complimentary way...EWWWWWW! LOL! That is awesome!


mrsroy44 Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
mrsroy44 Posted 29 Oct 2017 , 2:23am
post #8 of 23

Oh, it was amazing and horrific all at once! Thankfully it smelled good, so that helped with the ick factor :)

Marian64 Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
Marian64 Posted 29 Oct 2017 , 2:38am
post #9 of 23

Cat it was in the 60’s today do not to bad. She wanted fast food theme. Friday Night Cake Club For 10/27/17

Marian64 Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
Marian64 Posted 29 Oct 2017 , 2:41am
post #10 of 23

Carla83 you did an amazing job on the cookies. 

Mrsroy44 that is an amazing real looking brain. 

GIGGLEBOX2014 Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
GIGGLEBOX2014 Posted 29 Oct 2017 , 4:57pm
post #11 of 23

Friday Night Cake Club For 10/27/17

GIGGLEBOX2014 Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
GIGGLEBOX2014 Posted 29 Oct 2017 , 5:05pm
post #12 of 23

My only cake this week was this one. I was given a cake they wanted it similar to and  tried my best. Lol. Except this one is an 8 inch double barrel. Turned out good and I even got I cut it at the party so I was able to see how well it turned out. Lol. This is a pic from the party....

Friday Night Cake Club For 10/27/17

Carla83 Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
Carla83 Posted 29 Oct 2017 , 5:30pm
post #13 of 23

Thanks for the love everyone, I love how the fall cookies came out! And cat, I have no idea why my cupcakes posted upside down but figured it wasn't worth messing with it lol. 

Mrsroy, That brain is so gross!!! (In a good way!!!  That's amazing!) 

I love the hamburgercake marian!

giggle, I'm a huge Harry Potter fan, that cake is fabulous! 

GIGGLEBOX2014 Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
GIGGLEBOX2014 Posted 31 Oct 2017 , 4:07am
post #14 of 23

@Carla83 Thanks! I've never read the books or even seen the movies so I was sooooo lost. lol. They showed me a pic and asked if I could get close to it, so I tried. My owl looked a little funky to me but that was after I had already remade it twice. It was for a good friend and she was aware I knew nothing about Harry Potter, and actually loved it. I was surprised. 

Carla83 Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
Carla83 Posted 31 Oct 2017 , 11:47am
post #15 of 23

Oh Gigglebox you must read them if you like to read.  This is one book translation that I think the movies did an amazing job on but there is still so much in the books that they couldn't fit into the movies.  You did a fabulous job on it! 

LelekBolek Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
LelekBolek Posted 31 Oct 2017 , 3:31pm
post #16 of 23

Happy belated birthday, Cat!

Happy Halloween everybody!

Great fall cookies!

Giggle, I am also a HP "virgin". But one of my kids is a good reader by now (the other one is still little, but loves to be read to), and getting to be the right age. Also, they've published new, illustrated versions. So I have three first books ready for Santa to stuff under the tree. I guess I will be reading them soon LOL

Here are my Halloween cookies. The spiders are pretty big. 

Friday Night Cake Club For 10/27/17Friday Night Cake Club For 10/27/17

catlharper Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
catlharper Posted 31 Oct 2017 , 5:51pm
post #17 of 23

GIGGLEBOX2014 I am a DIE HARD HP fan and I just ADORE your cake! Baby Hedwig!!! OMG! SO cute! Wonderful work!

The cakes are always fun around Halloween and this year we get cookies too! SO cool!

No cake/cookies from me this week. I spend this time painting pumpkins instead. If you have IG you can see some of them that I painted this week @shutterbugtraveler and I'm working on more today. We figure that the kids are all getting a lot of candy, we don't need to add on cake. So we put together a dinner instead and send them off with full bellies before the sugar hits. That's always the plan anyways! LOL!



remnant3333 Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
remnant3333 Posted 31 Oct 2017 , 7:48pm
post #18 of 23

Everyone, your cakes are very cute!!  Last week I made a birthday cake for a friend. I made chocolate cake with peanut butter. I had to buy a new SD card for my camera so I did not get a picture of the cake. Since it was for a man and he likes old type furniture with the scrolls I tried to do old scrolls like you see on the old type furniture.  He seemed to like it but I am not an expert and just enjoy playing around with cakes. My  next cake I will be sure to get a picture. Don't think I could ever do cakes for a living because I would be a nervous wreck all the time. Since I just do cakes as a hobby I can basically do my own design and not worry about it being perfect!! LOL!!

Hope everyone has a good week!! You all did great jobs. That brain cake was yucky in a good way!!! It looked so real!!! Loved the cookies on the sticks and all the others too.

Laetia Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
Laetia Posted 31 Oct 2017 , 11:20pm
post #19 of 23

Happy birthday @catlharper!

Nice cakes everyone, they are all beautifuly done! @lelekbolek and @carla83, I just love your cookies. Super cool.

me_me1 Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
me_me1 Posted 1 Nov 2017 , 2:08am
post #20 of 23

Happy birthday @catlharper!

Loving the beautiful cookies! That brain was disgusting but soooo cool, so well done! I love the little bubba Hedwig cake too, very cute. Great work from everyone   :)

Last week I just had my niece's 3rd birthday cake to do. She is very much into bugs at the moment so that's what she got - slaters, caterpillars, grasshopper topper, ladybirds. All the kids at her party were lining up asking for different bugs to munch on, so cute!

Friday Night Cake Club For 10/27/17

Marian64 Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
Marian64 Posted 1 Nov 2017 , 2:53am
post #21 of 23

@me_me1 love the bug cake so cute.

catlharper Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
catlharper Posted 1 Nov 2017 , 2:54am
post #22 of 23

Thank you everyone for the wonderful birthday wishes! We are home tonight, handing out candy for Halloween. Our family and friends came over with their kids for Taco Tuesday Halloween Edition for dinner before heading out to Trick or Treat our neighborhood. If you celebrate Halloween how do you celebrate it?

Marian64  Glad your weather cooperated! The mini burgers and fries are totally cute!

LelekBolek  Your cookied gross me out in the best way!

me_me1  LOVE your grasshopper! You made a bug look adorable!

me_me1 I'm so sorry you didn't get a photo of the cake! Hope it was truly appreciated!

Have a great week everyone!


GIGGLEBOX2014 Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
GIGGLEBOX2014 Posted 4 Nov 2017 , 7:33am
post #23 of 23

@catlharper Thank you so much!!

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