Friday Night Cake Club For 7/14/17
Decorating By catlharper Updated 17 Jul 2017 , 6:17pm by kstevens

Opening up another session of the FNCC! ALL levels of cakers are welcome to share their week, photos of their work, ask for help if needed and provide help if they can!

Not a thing for me this week. Closest I'm going to get is foccacia tomorrow! LOL! Just a reminder, I'm going on vacation next week so there is no FNCC! I'll catch ya'll back here on the 28th!
In the meantime I'm looking forward to seeing what you guys have been working on this week!

Just the one cake from me this week but just the flowers alone too ages!!

shellbell181 Well, all of that flower work was totally worth it! It's simply gorgeous!
@Nana52 I love your stars! Great way to give it definition. Was there a big 4th of July party to go with this great cake?

Here is my most recent cake, for a friends' mum's 70th birthday. I'm pretty pleased with how it turned out. The only thing that bugs me is that I damaged the fondant with the edges of the sugar flowers while trying to position them. Any hints on how to prevent this? I taped the whole arrangement together into one in order to make it easier to remove.
Shellbell, I love all your flowers. What cutter did you use for the five petalled petunia type purple flowers?

LizzieAylett That is simply beautiful. Love your realistic!
@Nana52 VERY fitting!
@shellbell181 Love those moulds...I have one for hydrangeas that I love!

Thanks, Cat. I followed Kara Andretta's YouTube tutorial on how to do the rose and it was really helpful. My only issue was the my gumpaste was perhaps a bit elderly and wasn't very elastic. I struggled to shape the petals properly. But it's way more realistic than my previous attempts!

Ha, finally managed to post my 2 pics above. First one was a Victoria Sandwich with a buttercream crumb coat ordered for a party to celebrate my best friend's 30th wedding anniversary on Saturday and the second one was a ginger sponge with ganache which I made for my mother's birthday yesterday (Sunday). I am a UK registered home baker who has never done 2 cakes for the same weekend before!! Really pleased with these 2 - looking at the pics made me think there were good enough to sell and actually, I can't quite believe I made them!

@shellbell181 your cake is so pretty! I always struggle with making slab cakes look pretty so I'll have to take a cue from you for my next one :-) I have a few of those blossom cutters/molds and love them.
@Nana52 your cake looks great! I agree with Cat about the definition you gave to the stars, it really adds to it.
@LizzieAylett love your cake! The flowers ate so pretty! I too always end up damaging the fondant when placing flowers. Not sure how to avoid it.
@hep275 both of your cakes are very well done. I can see why you are so pleased with them.

My son's birthday cake. He is really into superheroes and is obsessed with doing laundry LOL ...hence the washing machine. I tried to mimic his favorite dessert which is peanut butter pie so the flavors are chocolate Oreo cake with peanut butter cream cheese SMBC.

I had two last minute cakes last week and I can't really say as though I'm in love with either of them. I debated if I should even post them....
The first one was for a coworker for his wife's birthday. All he said was that he wanted simple, that it would taste better than whatever he would have made and that he wanted chocolate cake with chocolate icing for "x" number of servings. Ughhh.... I had some flowers on hand so suggested a simple floral design but in the end he just wanted sprinkles. I find it challenging to make a cake iced in chocolate buttercream pretty and cheery but thought I had a good color scheme figured out. I think what I actually don't like is that it's square? Not 100% sure.
The second cake was for a neighbor. His wife said she would normally just go to the supermarket but as this was his 70th she thought she'd get me to make it. I figured 70th, that's a big deal = cool cake so threw out some ideas knowing he's into motorcycles but all she wanted was a 9x12" sheet cake with happy 70th birthday on it. This one too was chocolate with chocolate icing so kinda blah looking. Last minute she decided she wanted a silhouette of his motorcycle on it so black on brown it became. I tried to brighten it up with some sixlets around the edge in colors matching his motorcycle. Still looks boring and awful!
I also made lemon meringue cupcakes to bring to work that I didn't even try but was told they were tasty. I tried to be "artsy" when I took the picture of them and really like the photo.

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