Opening up another session of the FNCC! ALL levels of cakers are welcome to share their week, photos of their work, ask for help if needed or provide help if they can!
Hope to see lots of cool cakes this week!

We have had an insane few weeks at the Museum since we opened Who Shot Monterey Pop! No caking time at all. I hope to see a lot of your creations to help with my wanting to bake and yet having no time to do so issue! LOL!

We're in the process of putting a commercial kitchen in so we can get our shop opened, so my business end is slow right now. Right now I'm looking at ideas for my daughter's birthday cake. I'm thinking I'm going to do ombre rosettes.

Oh! Good luck with the new business! @CandyMakerMom Can't wait to see what you come up with for your daughter's cake!

Hello, I'm new to this forum so please excuse me if I post anything incorrectly but this is a cake I finished tonight. I'm practicing my airbrushing. Not the best wine bottle either but I am happy with it.

I also don't know why one of my pics is upside down

@Callmecakelady What a great cake! I love how you used coconut for the packaging filler! Great idea! As for the photo...no clue...I'm usually just happy when the photos display at all! LOL!

Thanks Cat! I'll be sure and post a picture. ;-)
@Callmecakelady That cake turned out great! I'm interested in learning how to air brush, but I'm not there yet.
@louglou Your cake looks great! I saw the thread where you were having trouble getting the proportions right for the figure. I'd say you got it figured out!

@louglou Such clean work! Great figure too! I can seem to do animals but figures are out of my league! LOL!

@Callmecakelady you did great. My pictures are usually sideways.
@louglou wow you did a great job on the cake and Flash.
I have no cakes planned. Just love to see what everyone else is up to.

@Callmecakelady welcome to FNCC :-) Your cake looks great!
@louglou the Flash turned out really well! What is he made from?
June is almost over and while one shouldn't wish their life away, I am very glad as it's been a crazy busy month! I missed out posting last week, just no time. I went simple for Father's day with sugar cookies and cupcakes. The sugar cookies were flooded with royal icing and then using stencils I airbrushed moustaches and Star Wars characters. The cupcakes were chocolate with peanut butter SMBC and chocolate moustache toppers.
This past week my grandmother turned 96. We were told this time last year that she only had 3 to 6 months to live so I wanted to make her a special cake to celebrate reaching 96. Her sight is such that she couldn't see the details but I still wanted to make it pretty for her. It was a little 6" chocolate cake with peanut butter SMBC. The 96 is chocolate dusted with gold luster dust. The flowers are all gumpaste and then I added a little gold sugar around the base of the cake.
My brother also had a birthday this month so I left him a little 5" cake at his house as a surprise while he was at work. It was two layers of chocolate cake with an Irish coffee cheesecake center with chocolate ganache between the layers and covering the cake. I kept the details simple on this one. I heard from my SIL later that day that it's their new favorite flavor.
My mother in law turned 70 on Thursday and there was a surprise party for her last night for which I made the cake. The top two tiers are dummy's and the bottom tier is vanilla bean cake with lemon curd filling and vanilla SMBC and some gold leaf. The topper is cut out from cardstock (by my boyfriend). The magnolias are wafer paper and all other flowers are gumpaste. This was my first time making wafer paper flowers and I hope to try more. Overall I was happy with the cake even though it didn't turn out as per my vision for it. Thanks to @MBalaska and @SandraSmiley for their feedback on my flower question in the forum.
Pics to follow.

@kstevens Wow...those sure sound yummy! My fav is the 70th cake...SO pretty!

Thank you and Amazing work!
My comments keep getting cut off, is that normal on this site?

@Callmecakelady unfortunately the site is often glitchy. All I can say is keep trying :-)

Bummer. I think I will copy and paste everything from now on lol.

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