I ordered a cake for my son's 2nd birthday with a bakery about 10 days ago. In fact, we ordered the cake at the same place for his 1st birthday. That cake turned out to be good and was one of the main reasons why we went to her again. In any case, we ordered the cake with her and she said that the price is going to be $110. I paid $50 advance and asked her about the pickup time. She said that the later I come the better. So, I said I will be there at 4 pm next Saturday.
Come Saturday, I was busy with the preparations for the party and was unable to go in myself to pick up the cake. So, I asked a friend of mine to pick the cake for me. I also told my friend that the cake is a bit large and she may need to put it on the car floor or some other flat place and drive cautiously. In other words, I gave her ample caution about handling the cake (not that she needed it, but I was being cautious). When my friend arrived on my door step with the big box of cake, everything looked fine. There are no visible stress markings on the outer box and it looked as if the transport aspect of the cake was flawless. There was also a small accompanying box which had the fondant letters of my son's name. We set the cake box on top of the table and opened it. Inside, we found a round cardboard on top of the cake. My friend said that the bakery employees asked her to remove the round cardboard from the top of the cake and assemble the fondant letters once she reaches home. So, I tried to remove the cardboard. But, for some reason it was harder than I expected (I was expecting it to slide off, given that fondant wouldn't normally stick that much). Then I started to work from one angle to remove the cardboard slowly, but I immediately noticed that the fondant in one section was strongly glued to the cardboard. In fact, the fondant started to peel off as I tried to remove the cardboard. Some guests in the party suggested that I rip off the cardboard like a plaster from a wound but I was hesitant to do that because I didn't want the cake to be damaged. So, I brought in a knife and started to slowly work my way between the fondant and the cardboard. This did not work as well because the gap between the cardboard and fondant was too small. Eventually, I slowly applied pressure and removed the cardboard to leave a gaping hole on top of the cake. You can see it below. I then removed the fondant from the cardboard using the knife and put it back on the cake so that I could at least patch the hole.
I contacted the bakery lady the next day about this issue and she started off by saying this. "I'm so sorry but the cake was perfect when I left and should be pick up at 3 and o(sic) left at 4." First thing is, this is clearly false as the cake was supposed to be picked up at 4 not 3. But more importantly, I do not know why she was talking about the pickup time here. It looked like she was trying to blame the pickup time. So, I told her that it sounds as if she is trying to blame us for what happened. Then this is her reply. "I'm not trying to do anything I made the cake with all my heart I left it perfect here that's all And I'm sure was a good cake flavor a (sic) mean." I said that I paid to get a perfect cake. If I only wanted a flavorful cake i could have gotten that for $30 or $40. Since I did not receive a good cake I requested the full amount to be refunded. But she said that she already made the cake and can give me another cake for free. In addition she said that the cake was damaged because it was exposed for too long. This is totally nonsensical. I was supposed to pickup at 4 pm. She contends 3 pm. So let's say 3 pm. So, would the cake be damaged if I pick it up at 5 pm instead of 3 pm? I tried asking her a couple of times about why she put the cardboard on top of the cake but she never bothered to reply about that. Today, I called her store and asked her if she put the cardboard on top of the cake. She said that she did not. I asked her if she could find out from her employees if one of them put it on top of it (maybe after screwing something with the cake to cover it up). Her response was, "What will you do after finding? Kill them?" I was flabbergasted at this point and asked her what she can do to correct the situation. She said that she can give me a cake. I said I would like a refund. She asked me to text her with the refund amount and my address. I texted my address and the full refund amount. She replied back saying that she cannot give me the full refund and will only give me a decoration discount (I don't know what this exactly means).

I do not understand why they put a round cardboard on top of your cake. It clearly was not a two tier cake. This is confusing. Can't wait to see what others have to say about this. I do not think this is the way that a single round cake should be with a top layer of cardboard on it??
The bakery should have put the fondant letters on top part of cake not the buyer but the seller of the cake. Am I missing something here. Please, cakes enlighten us as to why they would have done this?

The fondant letters came with small wooden toothpicks. I think, the concern was that if they were to insert the sticks onto the cake, something might go wrong during transport or it might have been difficult to close the top of the cakebox. That is why they gave us the fondant letters in a separate box so that we can put them on the cake our-self (by the way, this is what we did last year as well. Insert the name our-self).
As for the cardboard on top the cake, that is most puzzling thing. She wouldn't say who or why was it it put on top. When I asked if she can find out what happened, her response was "Why are you going to kill them?"

I don't understand why they put the cardboard circle on top, and it sucks that this happened but at the same time, I can understand why they wouldn't offer a full refund. Also her responses are super weird but yeah I can see why she won't give you the refund.
Did you return the cake right away in full? (That is to say did you give it back in as much of 1 piece as possible) Or did you eat the cake and now are asking for a refund because it didn't look like it should have?
When I have people pick up cakes from me, they understand, and I have it written in my terms and conditions that they are liable and responsible for the condition of the cake after it leaves my hands. Your friend who picked up the cake, should have opened the box before leaving the bakery and checked everything about the cake, and asked them to remove the cardboard circle so that the employees at the bakery could fix the damage before the cake even made it to the party.
I know that's probably not the answer you would like, but I would take the free cake and call it a day. It sucks but next time check before you leave .

Of course, I did not return the cake because I still had to get on with the event which had already started by the time my friend brought it in. Is it reasonable to expect me to carry the cake back to the store (which might have actually close by the time I reach it since it was already late) or put the cake aside and go on a cake hunting spree, when the party already started?
The way you phrased my situation is a bit problematic to me. "Did you eat the cake and now are asking for a refund because it didn't look like it should have?" You can see for yourself that I am not talking about some sort of yellow tinge which should have been more yellower or a letter being a bit off from its position. There is a freaking gaping hole in the cake!!! Moreover, as I already said, I am a repeat customer to this baker. Without exaggerating, I spent about $600 on their products till date between two of their shops.
I saw a post by a baker on this forum who posted about some sort of cake color dispute that she had with her customer. I saw overwhelming support for that baker on the forum. I would be glad if the customer's perspective is also appreciated in the same way. I would have been happier if she acknowledged her mistake and offered something in return. I was never hell bent on the full refund. But, her response was, I left the cake perfect. You did not pickup at 3. As if she is not responsible for her employees' actions who appear to be the primary reason for the entire fiasco. All of this despite the clear photographic evidence that I have. This is an example of horrible customer service.

The purpose of that comment was to say that you guys still ate the cake so of course she's going to say she won't give you a full refund. You have no product to return to her (in any shape) and asked her to give you all your money. (The money you paid for the cake is not just for the cake itself but also for the labor of making it, as you know.)
I'm not telling you her customer service was right or how she handled it was right-it wasn't, I stated that her responses were weird, I'm just trying to help you understand why she won't offer you the refund.
The only way you could have probably got the refund is by returning it upon finding it that way but of course you had the party to continue on with. i stated it probably wasn't the answer you wanted to hear but I was giving you a perspective on the situation which is why you posted on the forum, and I do see your customer perspective which is why I said take the free cake! She's offering a decoration refund or a free whole other cake? Take her up on that whole other cake! Yeah you're a repeat customer and it sucks that she couldn't help you or answer you properly in regards to that situation but if you want it, take the free cake.

Take the offer of a free cake for this in resolution to damaged cake.
For whatever reason, the cake had a board on top and as the temperature of the car/transport warmed up, the fondant stuck to that board.
If this ever happens again, I would pop the cake into the fridge to firm up the fondant before removing the board. As a customer, so sorry you had to endure this and at the height of the party, too. It looks like your baker is trying to please you for this issue. I hope the baker speaks to her staff about not placing anything on top of fondant, too,for that matter.
As a customer, if you are planning to request a full refund on a damaged cake, it would be in your best interest to save the whole cake to return to the baker. And just so you know future, most cakes are "buyer beware" once they leave the shop, they are no longer responsible.

sorry this happened -- never ever ever trade there again --
cakes have two aspects -- one is as the focal point of the celebration the other is dessert -- so you got half what you paid for -- and in addition to that a very very weird problem -- as if you should know that the cardboard fairy pops out as soon as this lady leaves for the day and glues cake boards onto cakes that haven't been picked up yet -- wth?
she doesn't seem to be listening -- there's just no reason to glue a cardboard onto the top of the cake in the first place nor to ignore that jarring fact when brought to her attention -- so you could request half refund -- sure don't know if she'll cooperate -- she doesn't seem the type -- but half refund because you served/ate the cake --
do NOT get another cake from her -- she has no idea how to resolve this -- y'know ask for half but be ready to drop the whole thing for sanity's sake -- she's got herself all boarded up in a little cake box and is not coming out into the real world -- leave her there -- it's not worth it unless you can get the half refund -- try for that but i'll be very surprised --
cakes need to be all fresh and beautiful and the peak of perfection for the event -- and buyers need to be on their toes to inspect and decline if all is not in order -- but who thinks of that unless you've gone through this before -- right? i get that the timing was not on your side -- i understand all the details -- buyers do not expect problems and they are busy putting on an event so they need suppliers who are trustworthy and qualified and she is absolutely not reliable -- it's nice that she's offered another cake but what might happen with the next one? don't go there --
it's like renting a pretty tent for the party that has a huge whole in the top --
just too freaking weird for words --
try for half and let it go is my advice -- if you do continue some of the crazy will wear off onto you so be advised -- again, i'm sorry this happened

Thanks for the replies. I really was hoping for an apology from the baker and some sort of refund. I did not ask for the full refund until she tried to pin it back on me by pointing out the irrelevant 1 hour delay in pick up time and her refusal to get to the bottom of the issue by talking to her staff. Her attitude seems to be like, "I made a perfect cake and I left and so am not responsible for whatever happens after I leave the store. Never mind that those are my employees who may have screwed it up."
Given that I had good experiences with them in the past (not talking about the customer service but really talking about the flavor of their cakes) I was trying to look past this issue. But, her attitude makes that impossible now and won't be going back to them or suggesting the place to the people in my circle. I guess, just like the saying "You can easily judge the character of a person by how they treat their subordinates", you can also judge the customer service of an organization by how they treat their customers when things don't go well for them.

I would rather take whatever money she offers than the cake. I cannot in good conscience spend anymore of my money on them. About that free cake, I would definitely not take it. God knows what she might do with it.
Take the offer of a free cake for this in resolution to damaged cake.
For whatever reason, the cake had a board on top and as the temperature of the car/transport warmed up, the fondant stuck to that board.
If this ever happens again, I would pop the cake into the fridge to firm up the fondant before removing the board. As a customer, so sorry you had to endure this and at the height of the party, too. It looks like your baker is trying to please you for this issue. I hope the baker speaks to her staff about not placing anything on top of fondant, too,for that matter.
As a customer, if you are planning to request a full refund on a damaged cake, it would be in your best interest to save the whole cake to return to the baker. And just so you know future, most cakes are "buyer beware" once they leave the shop, they are no longer responsible.

I don't have experience as a cake business, but I am sympathize with your situation. I'm sorry you didn't get what you paid for.
Like others, I am confused about the cardboard on top. If the baker herself didn't place it there, and the worker told your friend to remove it when you got home... I'm wondering if it wasn't already stuck on there and the worker couldn't get it off and may have been afraid to own up to a mistake. I'm thinking that if they used that board for some type of smoothing and it had any moisture on it, it would indeed stick.
As for a refund, my gut was to say ask for half, because you did wind up eating the cake. But if you really wish to continue a relationship with this baker, I think a free cake would be nice. Just be sure to see what the cake includes or excludes (i.e., what type of cake are you entitled to).
Again, I'm sorry for what happened... Wishing you the best resolution you could hope for! (((Hugs)))

OP, I hope you get this resolved.
As a customer, I would be really pissed this happened to me, especially at the fault of the baker. Too bad this happened, it can be difficult finding another you like so well. (My frame of reference is a hairdresser, she moved...never found another I like.).

Sorry that happened to you.
There are always 2 parts of a celebration cake - the design and the taste. I anderer with the baker as far as the "no FULL refund" policy. You should have return the entire cake for this. As a baker you get all sorts of complaints...some genuine some not....so she might be sensitive regarding this issue.
I would look into the contract you signed. Does it say anything regarding her responsibility after collection?
If she did chill the cake and then took it out an hour too early (according to you), the fondant might have sweat and that caused it to stick to the board on top. Why that was there anyway....I am puzzled.
She offered you a free cake. The question is if you trust her still (probably not!). So unless she didn't wave her responsibility after pick up I recommend you take whatever refund she offers and file it under "sh*t happens".

Do you know anyone who wants a cake? Have them order it and pay you - they get cake, you get your money back, and you don't have to eat their cake ever again.

I guess I don't care who put the cardboard on the cake. If its my shop and that happened I'd be offering a refund of some kind and my most sincere apology... just to keep the integrity of my shop. There was no reason for that to be on top of the cake.

I think an employee may have gotten directions wrong or thought that all food must be covered before taken outside. If I was the bakery owner/manager I would want to know who did it in order prevent future mishaps. I would feel a need to offer the customer and apology something and some sort of refund

First of all I wouldn't ever go back there; the customer service sucks. Secondly, I don't know where you're at, but if you're in central MN I'd make that cake for a whole lot less than $110. There's nothing to it.

I sympathize with you completely as a customer and we would have also have handled these differently, but I also understand your baker's perspective to an extent.
1. I'm not sure as to why there was a piece of a cupboard on your cake. The only reason I can think if it's to protect the top of the cake of something while it was stored? I honestly have no idea.
2. The fondant letter toppers were in a separate box in order to prevent them from over or breaking while it was being transported. We also do this with our own cakes and that's from personal experience. When we used to deliver cake some toppers would fall overs so we switched to transporting them separately and placing them on the cake at the venue.
3. As to why the fondant stuck, fondant is very sensitive to temperature changes and to moisture. At some point, that spot was exposed to moisture or sweated from a temperature change, got sticky and stuck to the cupboard and then dried.
4. And with the refund, yes we would have given you a full refund but technically we really shouldn't if you don't bring back the full cake. You don't go to the store and make a return without the item now do you? Or send back a plate at a restaurant for a mistake and get to eat both? The waiter takes back a plate and you get a new one. The appropriate response from the baker would have been to apologize, say they would find out what happened and offer half a refund or a full store credit. We bad a customer once call us and complain that we gave them the wrong flavor and that she wanted a refund. We asked her to bring it in and we would be glad to so so. She agreed to so yet the next day she arrived without the cake laughing and saying "My sister liked it so she ate everything but one slice so that's why I didn't bring it in". I'm supposed to believe that an 8-year old ate 24 servings of cake?...right okay then. Yeah, we gave her refund but not because we thought it was right but because we figured she was more trouble than it was worth. Having her harassing us wasn't worth $25.

hmm strange that they'd put cardboard on it! I wonder if somebody thought it was to be stacked with another cake on top?
I understand your frustration and also that you were hardly going to just bring the cake back when you had guests arriving and needed it. I also think a full refund is a bit much considering you ate the cake but I suppose it would be good business practice to at least refund half.
I would take the free cake, I don't think it's likely she'll "do something" to it, so I'd get that cake offer in writing and see how long it's valid for. If you don't have an occasion within the time frame reach out to friends and tell them they can have the cake for half what they would normally pay, then you can take this as your 50% refund.
Sorry :(

I know this is a late reply but Id like to add my bit
I have my own little business and put everything i have into every cake i make which most of the time what i charge doesnt cover the actual cost of creating it - like id imagine most home based cake designers do because we love doing it.I would be absolutely devastated if that happened to one of my cakes/clients. If it had got to that stage i wouldve given full refund and a free cake of the same price. However i always have the finished cake on display so the client can see it - i also love seeing their reaction especially if its a child. Doing this both you and the client know its in perfect condition and is what they expected/wanted before leaving. I have had clients who insist on paying more because that first look delivers more than what they expected and blows them away. Happy client very happy me. My motto is live, laugh, eat cake by Hooked On Cakes

Sorry I'm late to the party too. I'm sorry this happened to you and I would have refunded your money. It's odd to have the card board on top of your cake. I always show my cakes to the customer prior to them leaving, then there is no question if there is damage to the cake. Once the cake is in the customer's hands it's all on them.
I do agree that you should have returned the cake to the store once you discovered you couldn't remove the cardboard and have them remove it. I know it would have been a pain to do this but then the could have either refunded or provided you with another cake.

I feel that once you have consumed the cake that you have accepted the cake as is.
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