Friday Night Cake Club For 2/17/17
Decorating By catlharper Updated 23 Feb 2017 , 4:54pm by GIGGLEBOX2014

Opening up another session of the FNCC! ALL levels of cakers are welcome to share their week, photos of their work, ask for help if needed or provide help if they can! Hope to see LOTS of cakes this week!

Hi everyone!
Well, I do have two cakes to share this week! Both are birthday cakes. The first is a Black Forest cake that has a twist. It's filled with cherries AND ganache and crumbcoated in ganache too! The second cake is a Mexican Hot Chocolate Cake filled with ganache then crumbcoated in it and then decorated with buttercream for my daughters birthday. The Valentine's Day cupcakes I had planned never happened. Things got crazy that day and we ran late for absolutely everything. It was a good thing that we had take out for dinner because making dinner wouldn't have happened either! LOL! But here are the cakes!

@catlharper I just love the taco cake.
Nothing for me this weekend. Looking forward to seeing all the cakes this week.

This was my only cake fun this week. I actually finished a few hours ago. Lol. Our best friends little boy is turning one and monsters is the theme. I don't have his name and such on it yet, they are drying.

See if this posts third time...
Love the monsters! And cherry-filled cake sounds so yum!
I did not have much in baking all of this week, but last-munite made a double chocolate small bundt cake for my friend. Before serving, it was additionally doused in hot chocolate-raspberry-ganache sauce, adult version of which included Chambord liquor.
Good thing I made two of these (one spare cake was not decorated). Because you know how people are: "oh, just the tiniest slice for me, please!!", and then ask for seconds, and some even licked the plates.

oh... are we back to not being able to post photos?

Nothing for me this week!
@catlharper your black forest cake looks yummy. Love the idea of a taco cake. Meat and shreaded cheese, brilliant!
@GIGGLEBOX2014 Love your monster cake! The little smash cake is absolutely adorable.
@LelekBolek your cake looks really good with all the fresh fruits.

Everyone's cakes look awesome! I had 3 cakes this weekend - my daughter's Sailor Moon themed 10th birthday cake, an order for a Titanic themed birthday cake (Titanic is made out of styrofoam and there is isomalt "ice"), and a teacup themed birthday cake (everything on it is handmade :) I forgot to take good pictures of my daughters cake though lol

Love everyone's efforts this week! I love cakes with fresh fruit - yummy. I'm currently addicted to a mix of raspberries, blackberries and blueberries on my cereal, so delish.
I had a wedding and a little last minute Bollywood themed cake this week. The bride's cake topper didn't turn up in time so she asked if I could come up with something rustic at the last minute. I was doing her some heart shaped sugar cookie favours for each guest so I dusted a couple of spare cookies with gold dust and popped them on top! She loved it, thankfully!

@me_me1 I love the sugar cookie "touch" on the top of the rustic cake.
@ashleyjoyk Wish I had seen the Sailor Moon cake! Your teacup/rose topper is so pretty.

Sailor Moon!!? Oh how I would have loved to see that one!! I loved that show when I was little!

Hi everyone! I'm so sorry I've been so MIA this week. You may have heard that we are having severe storms on the West Coast of America...well, where we live is right in the firing line. We have had up to 100 mph winds, taking down trees, power poles and blocking streets and highways here. The rain has caused severe flooding and lots of damage already and we are not out of it yet. We will have about another 36 hours of rain to come. The worst part is, after 5 years of drought, our ground just can't take all this water at once and we have had a LOT of rain this year. Rock slides, flash flooding are common place around here these days. We have lost power off and on the past 48 hours so I haven't been able to be in touch much online. We, personally, are very safe. Our home is not threatened and, so far, our paths to school and work have been mostly clear (though we can see the devastation along our routes) and we've only had a few broken branches that loosened a fence line. We've been very lucky.
As for here!!! What simply wonderful cakes! I truly love them all. Some make me laugh, some make me swoon, all of them make me want to gobble them up! LOL!
No more cakes for me this one is a shower cake in early March. Hope you are all well and can't wait to see more of your creations soon!

Hello everyone! I'm late to the party as things have been a little nutty as of late. I've been really busy with cakes and cookies plus we had 3 major snow storms in the span of less than a week. It all equated to not much down time.
I did get to see everyone's creations last week but I didn't have time to comment. They were all so great that I think even though I'm a week behind I need to acknowledge everyone.
@LelekBolek your cookies were so pretty and that cake!! Beautiful work!! Your cake this week looks and sounds delish!
@GIGGLEBOX2014 your chevron cake last week....that piping looked awesome! I could never make that look right. Your monster cake this week was too cute!
@me_me1 your chocolate overload cake last week looked delicious! Love the colors on your Bollywood cake and the gold leaf gives that little something extra. The wedding cake is very pretty too.
@catlharper the black forest cake looks really yummy and the taco cake is great! That would be a perfect cake for my boyfriend or his son. I may steal that idea......
@ashleyjoyk your teacup cake is really pretty and great job on the Titanic cake as well.
Last week I tried out a new recipe for a tiramisu cake. I made it for a coworkers birthday & she loved it :-) She said it was her new favorite that I have done. The recipe was from the current issue of the Food Network magazine. It was a bit of a plan to make but now that I've made it once I know better how to attack it another time.
Last weekend I made a red velvet cake for a friend's sister's birthday. He gave me all kinds of info about her to go on for the cake but kept stressing how much she liked raspberry pie so that's what I went with. I was told that people at the party first thought it was a real pie and a bowl of raspberries. The raspberries took FOREVER to make but he end result was worth it. Both the pie and bowl of raspberries were cake. I received a very nice email from the birthday girl saying how much she liked it and that she didn't want to cut it.
After that was sugar cookies for Valentine's day as well as two cakes. One of the cakes was an order, the other donated to the Chemistry Club to sell tickets on. They raised $186 :-)
This week I had two birthday cakes both for Sat, one for my niece and one for my boyfriend's son. It meant I didn't get much sleep Thurs and Fri. My niece has a new found love of sloths and her dream is to go to Costa Rica to the sloth sanctuary. She also loves the color purple and emojis so I incorporated those in to the cake too. I think the sloth looks almost more like a meerkat but she knew what it was supposed to be and loved it!
My boyfriend's son has started following basketball and his favorite team is the Toronto Raptors. With time at a premium I went with a "simple" cake and made a ball hat. The logo is done with edible markers and took longer than I anticipated but I was so happy with how it turned out. The cake was funfetti with Raptors colors (red, purple and black) and chocolate icing.
Sorry for such a lengthy post but I had to catch up! Pics to follow as I never have any luck posting them with text.

Wow, @catlharper - hope things stay safe for you and yours!! xx

Hi everyone :-) Something has gone wonky with my account. I had a reply all typed up last night and it would not post. I tried several times and then was seemingly booted off the site :-( This morning is the first that I've been able to log in. I did receive an email to say my post is being held for review, no idea why..... I'll wait to see if it gets posted before I go ahead and type up a new one.

@kstevens - I had a problem, too. I got a notification that my post (above, #15) was flagged and held for moderation, than later I was notified that it got reviewed and posted. I could not figure out what could have possibly triggered that in my post.
@catlharper - stay safe! Yes, we've heard about the CA situation. The weather has gone wonky everywhere! We - in VA are having 70F days in the middle of February, when it should be below freezing. I have no idea what will follow in next months. Maybe a massive snow storm in June... One thing for sure - we will be swarmed with mosquitoes and every other kind of bugs, since nothing froze over winter.
High winds give me massive heebie-jeebies, after our house was half-destroyed in a very localized tornado. We lived with an open side of the house for quite some time. It was very scary, what happened. Stay safe!

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