More Pm Spam

Lounge By craftybanana2 Updated 10 Nov 2015 , 7:23pm by Heath

craftybanana2 Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
craftybanana2 Posted 10 Nov 2015 , 1:46pm
post #1 of 9

This time it's from


Do not click on the link they send you!

On another note, would be nice if we knew how to forward these Pms to CC spam monitors so they could delete the spammers.

8 replies
hep275 Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
hep275 Posted 10 Nov 2015 , 1:58pm
post #2 of 9

Yes, I had one from them as well, decided it looked rather dodgy so deleted it without clicking on the link.

chassidyg Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
chassidyg Posted 10 Nov 2015 , 2:05pm
post #3 of 9

I just got one from her also!

Lagasse Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
Lagasse Posted 10 Nov 2015 , 2:58pm
post #4 of 9

Myself as well. I deleted the msg knowing it was spam.

cutthecake Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
cutthecake Posted 10 Nov 2015 , 4:07pm
post #5 of 9

I received one, too.  Bad grammar is always a dead giveaway for spam.

SweetShop5 Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
SweetShop5 Posted 10 Nov 2015 , 6:23pm
post #6 of 9

Yeah, I got one from them too. Terrible grammar in the message too. I deleted it immediately. 

Heath Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
Heath Posted 10 Nov 2015 , 6:24pm
post #7 of 9

this user has been banned.

craftybanana2 Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
craftybanana2 Posted 10 Nov 2015 , 7:00pm
post #8 of 9

Thank you @Heath  ! You guys are pretty fast on that. Is there a better way to report them besides going through the Help link? I just thought it would be nice if there was a button that could be implemented to be able to Flag a user, like with posts and pictures. Just a thought for future updates! :)

Heath Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
Heath Posted 10 Nov 2015 , 7:23pm
post #9 of 9

@craftybanana2  we should definitely add that to the messaging area.  I will put that on the list!

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